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Summary: The monoamines octopamine and tyramine play a pivotal role in the control of metabolism in invertebrates by regulating both energy intake and energy expenditure.


Summary: The relationship between critical O2 tension and peak hypoxic ventilatory response is dependent on life history stage in zebrafish.

Summary: Insufficient dietary protein is linked to changes in enterocyte morphology resulting in increased villus height and absorptive surface in lactating mice; this flexibility may support compensatory protein assimilation through increased production of duodenally localized enzymes.

Highlighted Article: The TMJ of rorqual whales has an elastic fibrocartilage pad hypothesized to absorb shock during engulfment and aid in closing jaws via elastic recoil.


Summary: Reaction norms for metabolic rate and evaporative water loss in response to thermal acclimation do not vary among populations across a climatic gradient in a subtropical, passerine bird.

Summary: The zygosphene–zygantrum joint is distinctive and universal in snake vertebrae; experimentally removing these structures revealed that they limit yaw and prevent vertebrae from reaching positions where roll can occur.

Highlighted Article: Experiments with a live captive predator, a predator mimic and direct measurements of predatory strike force show that body temperature affects susceptibility to bird predation for an intertidal limpet.

Summary: Experimental exposure of sperm whales to continuous and pulsed sonar reveals that total pulse energy predicts cessation of foraging better than pulse amplitude or duty cycle.

Summary: The trabecular structure of the mandibular condyle varies between rabbit groups raised on diets that differ in their mechanical properties and the timing of the introduction of mechanically challenging foods.

Summary: Ants show a flexible response to multimodal information depending on the sensori-motor contingencies of the navigation task.

Summary: Repeated high temperature exposure has diverse consequences for gene expression patterns in two recently diverged populations of Manduca sexta, leading to thermal acclimation or increased stress responses.

Summary: Investigation of six species of disease vector mosquito larvae showed that each species exhibited strikingly different exploration behaviors. However, species behaved similarly when navigating to preferred cues.

Summary: Two neighboring populations of the widespread rotifer Keratella cochlearis exhibit differences in sensitivity to food availability with substantial phenotypic differences between them.

Summary: Limb dynamics in agility jumps of beginner and advanced dogs reveal general strategies of limb control and highlight differences between levels of skill during landing.

Highlighted Article: Preferential intracellular pH regulation is a common strategy of acid–base regulation in fishes acutely exposed to environmental PCO2 >4 kPa.

Summary: Examination of the faecal microbiome of ponies introduced to pasture reveals that metabolically healthy ponies have greater microbial stability when challenged with this dietary change, compared with ponies with insulin dysregulation.

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