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Summary: Physiological biomarkers are often used to estimate the impact of urbanisation; however, before they can be reliably interpreted, a better understanding of the causes for their variation is needed.


Summary: Skeletal muscle contraction alters circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Highlighted Article: Comparison of flight characteristics with flight muscle ultrastructure in a seabird reveals that wing beat frequency is negatively correlated with fibre diameter and average air speed is positively correlated with the number of nuclei per fibre.

Summary: A single presentation of a new event is sufficient to elicit a long-lasting form of learning generalization from previous similar stimuli in Procambarus clarkii.


Summary: Presentation of a method for the quantification of O2 respiration rate in the tardigrades Richtersius coronifer and Macrobiotus macrocalix using microrespirometry.


Summary: Prolonged exposure to noxious chemical and electric shock stressors produces characteristic changes in behavior and neural activity in zebrafish larvae.

Summary: Thermal performance at one life stage can misrepresent other stages, pointing to gains in complexity as potential drivers of thermal sensitivity in early life.

Summary: The rise in thyroid hormone levels at the end of incubation plays a role in regulating hatching and development of endothermy in Pekin ducks through changes in metabolism and ventilatory control.

Summary: Biochemical and metabolic evidence supports a role for red blood cell carbonic anhydrase activity in dictating the rate of O2 delivery in red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus).

Summary: Recordings from lamina neuropil of a mantis shrimp suggest that linearly and circularly polarized visual information might be processed separately.

Summary: Early-life hypoxia exposure in Drosophila leads to a subsequent change in adult physiology that is associated with reduced stress tolerance and shortened lifespan.

Summary: Sexual dimorphism exists in the in vivo response to curcuminoids in Drosophila melanogaster and the influence of curcuminoids as antioxidants protects against chronic and acute stressors and impacts nervous system function.

Summary: Maternal effect, mediated by yolk hormone, modifies the adrenocortical stress response but not the metabolic rate of adult house sparrow offspring.

Summary: Atlantic silverside embryos and larvae were metabolically resistant to seawater acidification in a series of laboratory experiments. Elevated carbon dioxide only affected embryos through the relationship between metabolism and oxygen.

Summary: Muscle activation data implicate the M. sternohyoideus profundus, M. sternohyoideus superficialis, Mm. mandibulohyoideus and M. levator scapulae in the production of biotremors (which may be used in communication) in veiled chameleons.

Summary: Development of a novel biomechanical and comparative chimpanzee glenohumeral joint model, paralleling an existing human model, to demonstrate the evolutionary genesis of modern human rotator cuff pathology.

Summary: Detailed observation of crickets freely moving in an experimental arena indicated that their sound-localization behavior is not a reflexive response but a complicated process including multiple behavioral strategies switched by internal state transition.

Summary: Pollen and nectar have been treated as equivalent rewards for the honey bee. However, they have different rewarding value for pollen and nectar foragers.

Summary: The air-breathing Alaska blackfish exhibits an atypical cardiac electrophysiological response to cold acclimation and prioritizes the continuation of cardiac performance to support an active lifestyle over reducing cardiac ATP demand when exposed to prolonged aquatic hypoxia without air access.


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