In spite of the extensive studies that have been made in recent years on the structure and function of gills, especially in fish, little is known about the O2 tensions at different points along the exchange surface.

Although the terminal water and blood tensions have been measured for a number of fish (Stevens & Randall, 1967; Piiper & Baumgarten-Schumann, 1967, 1968; Holeton, 1970; Garey, 1967), investigation of this aspect of gill function is extremely difficult. Measurements of the tension at different points along the lamellar surfaces have been made only for the crab gill (Hughes, Knights & Scammell, 1969). A knowledge of the distribution of O2 tensions along the exchange surface is important theoretically and also for practical use in relation to diffusing capacity etc. In many recent studies the term ΔPG (Randall, Holeton & Stevens, 1967; Holeton, 1970; Jones et al. 1970) has been used as a measure of the effective O2 tension difference. It assumes a linear relationship between gas tension and content, and that the difference between water and blood O2 tensions is constant along the exchange surface. Piiper & Baumgarten-Schumann (1968) recognized this deficiency and applied a Bohr integration method to the dogfish gill.

In a recent analysis (Hughes & Hills, 1971) the distribution of O2 tensions in the dogfish gill was calculated and plotted by a method which took into account the particular shape of the secondary lamellae and also the blood O2 dissociation curve. The dogfish was convenient because CO2 has relatively little effect on the O2 dissociation curve. In many ways the antarctic fish which lack haemoglobin are even more ideal since complications due to the form of the O2 dissociation curve are absent, which makes them suitable material for theoretical analyses on the influence of secondary lamellar shape. Gas tensions in the water and blood have been measured for the icefish (Holeton, 1970), and are combined with recent measurements of the secondary gill lamellae in this analysis.

= volume of water passing across gills in unit time.

= volume of blood passing through gills in unit time.

Sw = solubility coefficient of O2 in water.

Sb = solubility coefficient of O2 in blood (= Sw in icefish).

Pwi= O2 tension of water entering the gill.

Pwo = O2 tension of water leaving the gill.

Paff = O2 tension in afferent blood, entering the gill.

Peff= O2 tension in efferent blood, leaving the gill.

pw = Oa tension of water at a particular point, x, along a secondary lamella.

Pw = O2 tension in blood at x, along a secondary lamella.

Ca = O2. content of afferent blood.

Ce = O2 content of efferent blood.

Specimens of Chaenocephalus aceratus were caught near the Signy Island laboratory of the British Antarctic Survey. They were used in laboratory experiments which included the measurement of O2 tensions in the inspired and expired water, and in afferent and efferent blood under the conditions described by Holeton (1970). Gills of some of the fish used were brought to Bristol and their surface areas were measured using a method of weighted averages. It was shown that these areas were smaller than those previously measured (Hughes in Hughes & Shelton, 1962; Steen & Kruysse, 1966) and further investigation has suggested that the earlier specimens were not Chaenocephalus aceratus but another species of icefish, possibly Pseudochaenichthys georgianas. Profiles of individual secondary lamellae were taken and measurements were made of the cumulative surface area as described by Hughes (1970) (Figs. 13).

Fig. 1.

Profiles of secondary lamellae from the tip, middle and base of filament from the gills of Chaenocephalus aceratus

Fig. 1.

Profiles of secondary lamellae from the tip, middle and base of filament from the gills of Chaenocephalus aceratus

A. Morphology of the secondary lamellae

The surface areas of the gills and their component parameters are shown in Table 1, together with corresponding data from earlier measurements.

Table 1.

Gill area measurements for two specimens of Chaenocephalus aceratus brought from Signy Island by Dr G.F. Holeton

Gill area measurements for two specimens of Chaenocephalus aceratus brought from Signy Island by Dr G.F. Holeton
Gill area measurements for two specimens of Chaenocephalus aceratus brought from Signy Island by Dr G.F. Holeton

The most obvious differences are in the number of secondary lamellae per milli-metre and the area of an average secondary lamella. Such marked differences strongly support the view that the earlier measurements were on a different species.

From Figs. 1 and 2,a it is clear that although the bilateral surface area may not differ for secondary lamellae from the tip or middle of a filament, there are marked differences in their form, as shown by plotting cumulative area against water-path length. However, the same data plotted so as to cancel out differences in absolute dimensions (Fig. 2,b), shows that secondary lamellae from the tip and middle of a filament have very similar relationships between cumulative area and fractional path length. Secondary lamellae from the base of the filament, however, are somewhat different in that their cumulative area increases more rapidly from the point of water entry and is added to at a constant rate over more than 95 % of the remaining path length. Cumulative area can also be plotted in the direction of blood flow as is done below (figs. 3 and 5) because this will not change from co-current to counter flow.

Fig. 2.

Cumulative areas of the secondary lamellae from the gills of C. aceratiu. In a absolute values of area (mm2) are plotted against path length (mm), whereas in b fractional values of area (F) are plotted against fractional path length (x/L).

Fig. 2.

Cumulative areas of the secondary lamellae from the gills of C. aceratiu. In a absolute values of area (mm2) are plotted against path length (mm), whereas in b fractional values of area (F) are plotted against fractional path length (x/L).

Fig. 3.

Cumulative area for a secondary lamella from the tip of a filament (…) plotted in the direction of blood flow. The full line shows the plot for a secondary lamella of rectangular shape (1 in Fig. 8). Fractional path length is also given in the same direction.

Fig. 3.

Cumulative area for a secondary lamella from the tip of a filament (…) plotted in the direction of blood flow. The full line shows the plot for a secondary lamella of rectangular shape (1 in Fig. 8). Fractional path length is also given in the same direction.

Fig. 5.

Morphological plot of F (cumulative area in direction of blood flow) of the secondary lamella against the fractional path length (x/L). The functional plot of F versus water O2 tension is also shown for co-current and counter-current flows. The way in which these plots enable pw and po to be matched against x/L is indicated for one point for each type of flow.

Fig. 5.

Morphological plot of F (cumulative area in direction of blood flow) of the secondary lamella against the fractional path length (x/L). The functional plot of F versus water O2 tension is also shown for co-current and counter-current flows. The way in which these plots enable pw and po to be matched against x/L is indicated for one point for each type of flow.

B. Analysis of O2 tension distribution along a secondary lamella

The method adopted is the same as that developed by Hughes & Hills (1971) for the dogfish. Essentially this consists in dividing the known overall change in blood O2 tension into a convenient number of sections, in this case 11 (column A, Table 2). The corresponding percentage saturation of the blood is calculated assuming a linear relationship between tension and content (column B). From the available data and the mass-balance equation

Table 2a.

Typical computation for the icefish secondary lamella

Typical computation for the icefish secondary lamella
Typical computation for the icefish secondary lamella
Table 2b.
it follows that

(Note that in this particular case the capacity rate ratio (Hughes, 1964), wbuld have been the appropriate constant.) Inserting data based on that summarized by Holeton (1970), i.e. Pwi = 150 mm; Pwo = 120 mm; Paff = 25 mm; Peff = 120 mm this ratio is 0·474. This constant can now be inserted in equations for co-current and counter-current flow, enabling (Pwipw) to be calculated and hence the water O2 tensions (pw) which correspond to the chosen blood O2 tensions at different positions along the secondary lamella. From this data and a plot (Fig. 4) of 1/(Pwp0) against O2 tensions between pwb and pwi it is possible to obtain values for the function F, by graphical integration:

Fig. 4.

Plots of 1/(Pwpo) against p, which permits the calculation of by graphical integration. Column I versus G and R versus N in Table 2.

Fig. 4.

Plots of 1/(Pwpo) against p, which permits the calculation of by graphical integration. Column I versus G and R versus N in Table 2.


This fractional change is effectively a measure of the area necessary for O2 transfer assuming either co-current or counter-current flow, i.e. the greater the area beneath this curve (Fig. 4) the greater the area required for gas exchange. In Fig. 4 it is shown that the total area under the curve for co-current is 91·58 as against 52-96 for counter-current flow and from which the fractional areas may be derived (I in Table 3) at


different values of pw between pwo and pwi. Having obtained values for F from both morphological and functional plots, it is possible to read off the corresponding fractional path length (x/L) along the secondary lamella for pw and hence pb (Fig. 5). When plotted out these values give the final graph showing the distribution of O2 tensions in the water and blood for co-current and counter-current flows across the chosen secondary lamella profile.

Table 3.

Result of graphical integration of curves plotted in Fig. 4 giving values of (I) which are expressed as fractions in column (F)

Result of graphical integration of curves plotted in Fig. 4 giving values of (I) which are expressed as fractions in column (F)
Result of graphical integration of curves plotted in Fig. 4 giving values of (I) which are expressed as fractions in column (F)

From this plot (Fig. 6) it is clear that for co-current flow the gas tensions approach one another asymptotically so that the difference in O2 tension between water and blood is very great to begin with but finally becomes zero. Correspondingly 1/(Pwpb) approaches infinity (Fig. 4). With counter-current flow, however, there is always a significant difference between the water and blood O2 tensions. The usual method of calculation:

Fig. 6.

Distribution of O2 tensions in blood and water along a secondary lamella for counter-current and co-current flow.

Fig. 6.

Distribution of O2 tensions in blood and water along a secondary lamella for counter-current and co-current flow.

assumes straight lines between pwi and pwo and between paff and Peff which is clearly a gross approximation. A better method of estimating ΔPG is available from these curves by calculating the mean of the integrated area of the O2 differential between the water and blood across the whole secondary lamella. However, use of the arithmetic mean is only valid if the two curves are parallel, which is clearly not true. Except under the special conditions where ΔPG is appropriate, it would seem preferable to use the log mean gradient (Hughes, 1972), i.e.

C. The effect of secondary lamella shape on the O2 tension distribution

Because the blood O2 dissociation curve is not a complicating factor, the icefish provides a suitable model for investigating the effects of different shapes of secondary lamellae on the O2 tension distribution. The profiles shown in Fig. 7 have been used to plot out cumulative areas along the fractional path length. These morphological plots of F against x/L were used together with data for the terminal water and blood O2 tensions in the same way as described for counter-current flow across an actual secondary lamella and are shown in fig. 8.

Fig. 7.

Model profiles for secondary lamellae together with their appropriate cumulative areas in the direction of counter-current water flow.

Fig. 7.

Model profiles for secondary lamellae together with their appropriate cumulative areas in the direction of counter-current water flow.

Fig. 8.

Distribution of pw and pb during counter-current flows for the same four profiles used in Fig. 7 indicated by different types of dotted and dashed lines.

Fig. 8.

Distribution of pw and pb during counter-current flows for the same four profiles used in Fig. 7 indicated by different types of dotted and dashed lines.

For the simple rectangular profile (1), the blood and water tensions are slightly greater than those obtained by connecting directly Pwi with and Pwo with Paff. For a profile in which the major part of the area comes early in the water path length (2), pw falls more rapidly than in the other cases and correspondingly pb increases less rapidly at the afferent end because this particular model has the least exchange area in this region of the path length.

Calculations based on secondary lamellae from the tip or middle of a filament show tension changes which lie somewhat between profiles 2 and 3 as would be expected from their geometry. The advantages of a shape such as that in profile 2 is that it ensures that the maximum exchange area is in the region where the difference in O2 tensions of water and blood is smaller and vice versa. Hence this particular arrangement maintains the greatest tension differential between water and blood throughout their passage across the gill.

The measurements made on the gills of Chaenocephalus aceratus confirm the generalization made from the previous specimens of icefish that the sieve will provide relatively little resistance to water flow (Hughes, 1966). The smaller gill area of these specimens is presumably an interspecific difference. From the data reported here and other specimens (G. F. Holeton, personal communication), it seems that the weight-specific gill area remains constant at all body sizes.

Because of its lack of haemoglobin the icefish is useful in several theoretical calculations. It illustrates, for example, the value of the concept of effectiveness as against utilization as a measure of the performance of a gill gas exchanger. This is especially so if one remembers that from a homeostatic point of view it is the condition of the blood leaving the gill which is so important (Hughes, 1964).

Utilization of O2 in water,
Effectiveness of O2 removal from water,
but Eb = effectiveness of oxygen uptake by the blood

The same is also true of a rainbow trout when the haemoglobin has been combined with carbon monoxide (Table 4).

Table 4.

Percentage utilisation (U), effectiveness of O2 removal from water (Ew) and of O2 uptake by blood (Eb) for icefish and rainbow trout (data from Holeton (1970, 1971)).

Percentage utilisation (U), effectiveness of O2 removal from water (Ew) and of O2 uptake by blood (Eb) for icefish and rainbow trout (data from Holeton (1970, 1971)).
Percentage utilisation (U), effectiveness of O2 removal from water (Ew) and of O2 uptake by blood (Eb) for icefish and rainbow trout (data from Holeton (1970, 1971)).

Thus the gill is very effectively carrying out its function of oxygenating the blood, although it does not seem very efficient as measured by its utilization of O2 in the water. The analysis presented in this paper indicates that an important factor in maintaining this performance is not only the area of the gas-exchange surface but also its particular shape. The shape most commonly found and used here seems to be designed to maintain a high difference in gas tension between the water and blood throughout their passage over the exchange surface.

From the measurements available, it seems almost certain that counter-current flow is normally present, and these calculations have been based on this assumption.

Because of the linear relationship between blood and water 02 tensions in icefish, it can be shown (B. A. Hills and G. M. Hughes, unpublished), that

Hence, a greater total amount of O2 will be transferred for a given area of exchange surface if a larger proportion (a) of the total secondary lamellar area (A) is in contact with water of the highest O2 tensions. Further analysis of gas transfer across secondary lamellae must take into account the differences in path length of the water flowing at different levels of the secondary lamella rather than assume that all the water remains within the profile boundary, as is true for the blood.

A further limitation of this type of analysis relates to the basic experimental data used in the calculations (i.e. values of Pwi, Pwo, Paff and Peff). Although it wbuld be extremely difficult to obtain true values for Paff and Peff of individual secondary lamellae, this should be possible for Pwi and Pwo and hence some of the dilution effects of water shunted between the filament tips could be assessed. Before such analyses can be expanded to the whole of the gill system a great deal needs to be learned about different degrees of recruitment on both sides of the exchanger and consequent ventilation/perfusion inequalities (Hughes, 1972).

  1. Measurements of the gill area of two specimens of Chaenocephalus aceratus indicate that the resistance to water flow and overall exchange area are even less than had been supposed from work with other icefish.

  2. Measurements of the oxygen tensions in the water and in blood entering and leaving the gills are used to determine the expected distribution of O2 tensions along a typical secondary lamella profile. The advantage of counter-current over co-current flow is clearly indicated by such analyses.

  3. The absence of complications due to the O2 dissociation curve of the blood facilitates an extension of the analysis to different theoretical secondary lamellar profiles. It is shown that profiles similar to those usually found in fish gills are more efficient in maintaining O2 transfer.

  4. Although the percentage utilization of O2 in the water passing through the gills is relatively low, the effectiveness of oxygenating the blood is very high in the icefish gill.

This work was supported by a grant from the Natural Environment Research Council. I wish to thank Dr. G. F. Holeton for carrying out the O2 measurements and bringing back the gill material from Signy Island. I also enjoyed valuable discussion with Dr Brian Hills.

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A graphical analysis of oxygen transfer in fish
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Efficiency of O2 exchange in the dogfish Scyliarhinut stellaris
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Effectiveness of O, nd CO, exchange in the gills of the dogfish (Scyliarhinut ttellarit)
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The exchange of oxygen and CO, across the gills of rainbow trout
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