A model of resting membrane electrogenesis in skeletal muscles of prepupal Calliphora erythrocephala was formulated. From experiments in which reversible effects of changing extracellular K+ and Na+ activities on the membrane potential (EM) were measured, three different values of a (the ratio of the partial permeabilities of the membrane to Na+ and K+) were derived, each from a different range of extracellular Na+ and K+ activities. Two independent tests were carried out to determine the most realistic value of a. Intracellular K+ and Na+ activities and EM values were measured in a population of cells, and the EM values predicted using the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation for different values of a. The best fit for the data was obtained for α= 0·036. In ionic substitution experiments, in which passive movements of Cl were prevented or minimized, the changes in EM around the resting level could be explained with a high degree of accuracy by assuming again that α = 0·036. However, tests of the model by investigation of direct effects of reducing extracellular Na+ concentration over a wide range of EM values gave an anomalous result. In low-Na+ Ringer, EM values became more positive than the respective resting levels. The anomalous effect of low-Na+ Ringer on EM did not involve a change in the K+ equilibrium potential. Instead, it was probably due to a reduction in the K+ permeability of the membrane. Possible mechanisms underlying this effect are discussed.

In the preceding paper (Dawson & Djamgoz, 1988), we showed that the K+ equilibrium potential (EK) of prepupal Calliphora erythrocephala skeletal muscle was significantly more negative than the prevailing membrane potential (EM). We predicted, therefore, that at rest these muscles must be permeable to at least one ion other than K+ with an equilibrium potential more positive than EM. Furthermore, Na+ was shown to meet this requirement, and Cl was found not to be involved in resting membrane electrogenesis (Dawson & Djamgoz, 1988). In analogous muscles of Drosophila melanogaster, Jan & Jan (1976) suggested that the resting membrane has a significant permeability to Na+, the ratio (α) of the partial permeabilities to Na+ and K+ (pNa and pK, respectively) being 0-23. To test this proposal directly, the effect of reducing extracellular Na+ concentration on EM was tested using Tris+ as the substitute. As extracellular Na+ was decreased, the membrane potential initially hyperpolarized, as predicted. However, in salines containing up to one-half as much Na+ as that found in normal saline, EM values surprisingly repolarized to levels more positive than normal. Comparable results were obtained by substituting sucrose or MgCl2 for NaCl (Jan & Jan, 1976). The latter experiments were carried out by ‘soaking’ the muscles in modified salines, and impaling several cells in each preparation. In earlier experiments also, the dependence of membrane potentials on extracellular ion concentrations was tested in a similar way, sometimes by soaking or ‘conditioning’ muscles in modified salines for several hours (Wood, 1963, 1965; Huddart, 1966; Piek, 1975). It is not clear from these studies whether sufficient controls were carried out to ensure that the changes in membrane potentials seen were reversible or whether timedependentloss of membrane potentials occurred. Importantly, Wareham, Duncan & Bowler (1973) demonstrated in cockroach coxal muscles that membrane potentials gradually decay if bicarbonate-free Ringer’s solutions are used (possibly due to deterioration of intracellular pH; see Thomas, 1984, for a review of mechanisms of intracellular pH regulation). Most early Ringer’s solutions (including that used by Jan & Jan, 1976) lacked bicarbonate. In the present study, we have used a modified Ringer and attempted to monitor additional membrane parameters during solution changes, as well as ensuring that the effects observed were reversible. Thus, the physiological integrity of the preparations and possible secondary effects of solution changes have been assessed. Preliminary reports of these findings have been given earlier (Dawson & Djamgoz, 1984a,b).

Experiments were carried out on prepupal Calliphora erythrocephala Meig (Diptera) at room temperature (18–20°C). Details of the preparations and ionsensitive microelectrodes were as given in the preceding paper (Dawson & Djamgoz, 1988). Other details are as follows.


Conventional microelectrodes were drawn from borosilicate glass capillaries (1 mm o.d., 0·6mm i.d.) on a vertical puller. They were filled with 2·5 mol l−1 KC1 and had tip resistances (d.c.) in the range 10–20 MΩ. The tip potentials of these electrodes were <5 mV, as determined by breaking the tips and noting the resulting difference in the potential reading in the bath (Adrian, 1956). The microelectrode was connected to a microprobe system (WPIM701) which had an inbuilt bridge circuit for current injection for measurement of membrane input resistance. Ion-sensitive microelectrodes were constructed and used as described previously (Djamgoz & Dawson, 1986; Dawson & Djamgoz, 1988).

Ionic substitution experiments

Modified solutions were based on Rice’s saline and were of constant ionic strength and osmolarity. In the K+ substitution solutions, Na+ was used as a substitute for K+. Na+ substitution experiments mostly involved a 100-fold reduction of Na+ activity using a variety of substitutes for NaCl: choline chloride, glucose, tétraméthylammonium chloride, magnesium chloride or N-methyl D-glucamine. The osmolarity of each solution was measured using a mini-osmometer (Roebling) and adjusted to normal (402mosmoll−1) using additional glucose, if necessary.

A special set of modified Ringer’s solutions was also prepared in which the product ×aClo was kept constant. These solutions were constructed such that the following pair of simultaneous equations was satisfied:
where aKo, aNao, aClo are K+, Na+ and Cl activities in the solutions, respectively; C1KC1 is the Cl concentration present as KC1, ClNaC1 is the Cl concentration present as NaCl, and ClTotal is the total Cl content of normal Ringer (i.e. 194-3 mmol l−1). The osmolarity of these solutions also was kept normal with additional glucose. Throughout the text ionic ‘activity’ rather than ‘concentration’ has been used for consistency. However, since all modified solutions were of constant ionic strength, K+ and Na+ activities can be converted to concentrations by dividing by the activity coefficient of the saline (i.e. 0·72; see Dawson & Djamgoz, 1988).

K+ pulsation experiments

A micropipette was pulled from 1·5 mm o.d. glass capillary and its tip broken to 100–200 μm diameter. It was attached to a microelectrode with sealing wax such that the tip of the broken pipette was around 0·5 mm behind the tip of the microelectrode, whilst at right angles to their axes the two were separated by about 1mm. The broken pipette was filled with Ringer containing 97·2 mmol l−1 K+ (substituted for Na+). Constant-sized (around 4 μ1) droplets could be ejected from the pipette by applying air pulses of Is duration from an air cylinder set to 10–30 Pa via a solenoid-activated valve driven by a physiological stimulator. The assembly of pipettes was positioned in the recording chamber such that the broken pipette was ‘upstream’ of the recording microelectrode to ensure that the ejected pulses of the high-K+ Ringer were washed onto the impaled cell and away from it.

Effect of varying extracellular K+and Na+activities on the EM

A typical recording of the changes in the resting potential (EM) resulting from varying the extracellular K+ activity (aKo) between 0·97 and 97·2, using Na+ as the substitute, is shown in Fig. 1. During the solution changes, the cell was twice returned to normal Rice’s saline to ensure that the EM changes recorded were reversible, and that the cell remained healthy throughout the experiment, which could last up to 4 h. Sustained changes in EM were found to result from alterations in aKo and these were fastest when aKo was reduced (see Fig. 1). For example, when aKo was reduced from 9·7 to 3·6 mmol l−1, the EM reached a new, steady level within 15 min; when aKo was increased from 36 to 97·2 mmol l−1, the EM did not reach a steady value for more than 30 min. Such effects were not related to the age of the preparation, since ‘slow’ responses were observed even at the start of an experiment. Data similar to Fig. 1 were obtained from 11 cells (each from a different preparation). The EM depended on the logarithm of aKo more or less linearly, with the maximum slope of the line giving only 31 mV per 10-fold change in aKo, however (not illustrated). This is considerably less than the 58 mV per 10fold change in aKo expected for a membrane that is permeable only to K+, and agrees with our conclusion in the preceding paper that K+ is not likely to be the only ion involved in resting membrane electrogenesis in these muscles.

Fig. 1.

Chart recording of a K+ substitution experiment on a Calliphora prepupal’ muscle cell. The bath K+ activity, aKO, is indicated on the lowermost trace (Na+ was used as the substitute). Twice during the experiment the preparation was returned to normal Ringer (aKO = 9·7 mmol l−1) to ensure that the cell returned to its original resting potential.

Fig. 1.

Chart recording of a K+ substitution experiment on a Calliphora prepupal’ muscle cell. The bath K+ activity, aKO, is indicated on the lowermost trace (Na+ was used as the substitute). Twice during the experiment the preparation was returned to normal Ringer (aKO = 9·7 mmol l−1) to ensure that the cell returned to its original resting potential.

To eliminate the possibility that there might be some time-dependent deterioration of the preparations, a number of shorter substitution experiments involving only three solution changes were also performed. A cell was impaled in normal Ringer (aKo = 9·7 mmol l−1) and a steady EM recorded. Low-K+ Ringer (aKo = 0·97 mmol l−1) was then introduced and the membrane potential allowed to equilibrate. This was followed by high-K+ Ringer (aKo = 97·2 mmol l−1), and finally the cell was returned to normal Ringer to ensure that the original EM was obtained. Using this protocol, a maximum change of 30mV was recorded for aKo values between 9·7 and 97 (cf. 31 mV for the same step in full substitution experiments), and a maximum change of 24mV was recorded for aKo values between 0·97 and 9·7 mmol l−1 (cf. 23 mV from the full substitution experiments). Thus, the slopes obtained for a given aKo range using the two types of protocol were not significantly different, providing further evidence that the membrane properties of the cells did not change during the full substitution experiments.

A model of resting membrane electrogenesis

The dependence of EM on aK0 could be explained better by also taking into account the variations in extracellular Na+ activity and assuming that a (see Introduction) had a value of 0·086. This value of a was obtained empirically by fitting a straight line of slope 58 mV per 10-fold change in aKo-l-aaNa0, to give the highest possible correlation coefficient (0·94). Thus, according to this analysis, EM for any bathing solution would be given by the simplified Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation (Goldman, 1943; Hodgkin & Katz, 1949):
Rearranging equation 1 and substituting values of constants for normal Ringer (Rice’s saline):
The graph of EM against the logarithm of (aKo+0·086aNao) shows that although all points fall close to a line with a slope of 58 mV per 10-fold change in aKo+0·086aNao (Fig. 2), some data points still show a surprisingly wide deviation from the straight-line fit. Since the low-Na+ media were found to have anomalous effects on the membrane potential (see later), the two sets of EM data obtained in Ringer’s solutions on either side of the normal (i.e. high aKo /low aNao and low aKo/high aNao) were also considered separately, and a different value of a was calculated for each set (Table 1).
Table 1.

Values of α calculated from EM data obtained in Ringer’s solutions of varying compositions

Values of α calculated from EM data obtained in Ringer’s solutions of varying compositions
Values of α calculated from EM data obtained in Ringer’s solutions of varying compositions
Fig. 2.

Graph showing the relationship between the resting membrane potential (EM) and the logarithm of (aKo+0·086aNao), where aKO, and aNao, are the extracellular (bath) K+ and Na+ activities, respectively. Data points denote means ± S.E. and can be fitted with a straight line (as shown) with a slope of 58 mV per 10-fold change in the abscissa (correlation coefficient, 0·94).

Fig. 2.

Graph showing the relationship between the resting membrane potential (EM) and the logarithm of (aKo+0·086aNao), where aKO, and aNao, are the extracellular (bath) K+ and Na+ activities, respectively. Data points denote means ± S.E. and can be fitted with a straight line (as shown) with a slope of 58 mV per 10-fold change in the abscissa (correlation coefficient, 0·94).

In the rest of the paper, experiments designed to test this model of resting membrane electrogenesis and critically determine the best value of α are described and discussed.

Effects of varying extracellular Na+activity alone on the EM

These experiments were carried out to test directly whether Na+ had any effect on EM-Fig. 3 shows a typical recording of the effect on EM of reducing extracellular Na+ activity from 124·6 to 1·25 mmol l−1 (using Mg2+ as the substitute). Immediately after the introduction of the low-Na+ Ringer into the recording chamber, EM showed an initial hyperpolarization of some 8 mV from its resting level of -50 mV. This was followed after less than lmin by a sustained depolarization of some 18 mV to a steady EM level of −40 mV which was reached 10 min after the introduction of the low-Na+ Ringer. This effect reversed completely within 5 min of the return to normal Ringer.

Fig. 3.

Chart recording of a Na+ substitution experiment on a Calliphora prepupal muscle cell, using Mg24- as a substitute. The extracellular Na+ activity was lowered 100fold (from 124·6 to 1·25 mmol l−1) while K+ was kept constant at 9·7 mmol l−1, as indicated on the bottom lines.

Fig. 3.

Chart recording of a Na+ substitution experiment on a Calliphora prepupal muscle cell, using Mg24- as a substitute. The extracellular Na+ activity was lowered 100fold (from 124·6 to 1·25 mmol l−1) while K+ was kept constant at 9·7 mmol l−1, as indicated on the bottom lines.

To test that this result was not in some way due to the unsuitability of Mg2+ as a Na+ substitute, this type of experiment was repeated using a variety of other substitutes: choline, N-methyl D-glucamine, tetramethylammonium and glucose. Typical traces are shown in Fig. 4. In all cases, when low-Na+ was substituted for normal Ringer, an initial hyperpolarization of 2–7mV was seen, and this was followed by a sustained phase leading to EM levels 2–8 mV more positive than the original resting potentials.

Fig. 4.

Chart recordings of Na+ substitution experiments on Calliphora prepupal muscle cells, using a variety of Na+ substitutes (listed to the right of each trace). The extracellular Na+ activity (aNao) was lowered from 124·6 to 1·25 mmol l−1, as indicated on the bottom line.

Fig. 4.

Chart recordings of Na+ substitution experiments on Calliphora prepupal muscle cells, using a variety of Na+ substitutes (listed to the right of each trace). The extracellular Na+ activity (aNao) was lowered from 124·6 to 1·25 mmol l−1, as indicated on the bottom line.

Two possible causes of the unexpected depolarization of the EM in low-Na+ Ringers were considered: (a) a decrease in aKi and a corresponding positive shift in EK, which would account for the change in EM, since K+ has been shown to be involved in membrane electrogenesis (Fig. 1); and (b) a decrease in the partial permeability of the membrane to K+, which would again lead to a depolarization of EM, without a change in EK. The following experiments were carried out to distinguish between these two possibilities.

Lack of effect of low-Na+Ringer on aKi

A typical chart recording of an experiment in which the aKi and EM of a cell were measured using a potassium-sensitive microelectrode, and the effect of a low-Na+ Ringer on these parameters, is shown in Fig. 5. The upper trace gives the membrane potential of the cell (initially −38 mV) and the lower one gives aKi (= 80 mmol l−1). When low-Na+ Ringer was applied to the preparation, the EM changed, as noted earlier. However, there was no significant change in aK1. We concluded, therefore, that the sustained depolarization of EM seen in low-Na+ Ringer’s solutions could not be due to a change in the EK.

Fig. 5.

Chart recording of an experiment in which the intracellular K+ activity and membrane potential (EM) were monitored using a double-barrelled K+-sensitive microelectrode while the extracellular Na+ activity (aNao) was reduced from normal (124·6 mmol l−1) to 1·25 mmol l−1 (as indicated on the bottom line).

Fig. 5.

Chart recording of an experiment in which the intracellular K+ activity and membrane potential (EM) were monitored using a double-barrelled K+-sensitive microelectrode while the extracellular Na+ activity (aNao) was reduced from normal (124·6 mmol l−1) to 1·25 mmol l−1 (as indicated on the bottom line).

The effect of low-Na+ Ringer on membrane input resistance

Any change in the relative permeability of the cell membrane to K+ and Na+ might be reflected as a net change in the input resistance of the membrane. In this group of experiments, the effect of lowering extracellular Na+ activity on the input resistances of the cell membranes was investigated using intracellular current injection by bridge circuitry. A typical recording from one such experiment is shown in Fig. 6. The upper trace shows the membrane potential (resting level, −42 mV) and its response to the application of the current pulses. The lower trace is the current monitor. Clearly, the delayed depolarizing phase of the EM change is accompanied by a sustained increase in the input impedance of the cell membrane.

Fig. 6.

Chart recording of a Na+ substitution experiment on a Calliphora prepupal muscle cell during which membrane input resistance was monitored by repeated application of constant-sized (7·5 nA) current pulses using bridge circuitry. Before impaling the cell (marked by the arrowhead) the microelectrode resistance was balanced. When the cell was subsequently impaled, voltage pulses corresponding to the input resistance of the cell were recorded. After noting these, the bridge was rebalanced, and the extracellular Na+ activity reduced from normal (124·6 mmol l−1) to 1·25 mmol l−1 while keeping a constant K+ activity of 9·7 mmol l−1 (middle lines). During the sustained depolarizing phase of resting membrane potential (EM) change, voltage pulses reappeared on the EM trace, indicating a clear increase in the input resistance of the cell membrane. All effects were reversible by washing with normal Ringer. When the microelectrode was finally withdrawn from the cell, voltage pulses equal and opposite to those seen upon the initial impalement of the cell were recorded, indicating that the microelectrode resistance remained steady during the entire recording. The lowermost trace denotes the application of current pulses.

Fig. 6.

Chart recording of a Na+ substitution experiment on a Calliphora prepupal muscle cell during which membrane input resistance was monitored by repeated application of constant-sized (7·5 nA) current pulses using bridge circuitry. Before impaling the cell (marked by the arrowhead) the microelectrode resistance was balanced. When the cell was subsequently impaled, voltage pulses corresponding to the input resistance of the cell were recorded. After noting these, the bridge was rebalanced, and the extracellular Na+ activity reduced from normal (124·6 mmol l−1) to 1·25 mmol l−1 while keeping a constant K+ activity of 9·7 mmol l−1 (middle lines). During the sustained depolarizing phase of resting membrane potential (EM) change, voltage pulses reappeared on the EM trace, indicating a clear increase in the input resistance of the cell membrane. All effects were reversible by washing with normal Ringer. When the microelectrode was finally withdrawn from the cell, voltage pulses equal and opposite to those seen upon the initial impalement of the cell were recorded, indicating that the microelectrode resistance remained steady during the entire recording. The lowermost trace denotes the application of current pulses.

The value of the input resistance in normal Ringer was 96±9k Ω, and this increased by an average of 26 % in low-Na+ Ringer to give 121 ± 10 k Ω (N = 7).

The effect of low-Na+Ringer on the partial permeability of the membrane to K+

To examine whether the membrane input resistance increase observed when the cell was exposed to low-Na+ Ringer was due to a reduction in the K+ permeability of the membrane, K+ pulsation experiments were carried out. This type of experiment is illustrated in Fig. 7A. The uppermost trace gives membrane potential, including the transient depolarizing responses resulting from high-K+ pulses, the applications of which are denoted by short bars beneath the EM trace. In normal Ringer (125 mmol l−1 Na+) the pulses depolarized the EM by some 15 mV. In low-Na+ Ringer, however, the membrane responses were reduced to around 3 mV. The effect was completely reversible. The reduction in membrane responses started during the initial hyperpolarization of the membrane and persisted into the delayed depolarization phase, indicating a delay between the apparent reduction of partial K+ permeability and membrane response, similar to the situation in K+ substitution experiments (see Fig. 1). Average data are shown in Fig. 7B. Clearly, in the low-Na+ Ringer, the responsiveness of the cell membrane to high-K+ pulses is significantly decreased, a 100-fold reduction in uNao leading to an average reduction in membrane response to 4 % of its original value. Thus, the partial permeability of the cell membrane to K+ decreases substantially in a low-Na+ medium, giving rise to the anomalous effect of reduced extracellular Na+ on membrane potential. The value of α is not fixed, therefore, and this might explain the slight deviation of the data points from the straight line in Fig. 2.

Fig. 7.

(A) Chart recording of a K+ pulsation experiment on a Calliphora prepupal muscle cell under steady perfusion with Ringer. This shows that the response of the cell membrane potential (EM) to constant-sized pulses of high-K+ (97·2 mmol l−1) Ringer was markedly reduced when the cell was exposed to low-Na+ Ringer. The extracellular Na+ activity (aNao) is indicated on the bottom line. Applications of high-K+ pulses are indicated by short bars beneath the EM trace. (B) Graph illustrating the change in the magnitude of the membrane response to constant-sized pulses of high-K+ Ringer when the cells were exposed to low-Na+ (1·25 mmol l−1) Ringer (duration indicated by thick horizontal bar). This shows the marked reduction in the membrane response (assumed to reflect the partial K+ permeability of the membrane, pK) which occurred in the presence of low levels of extracellular Na+. Data points denote means + S.E. (N = 7; each cell from a different preparation).

Fig. 7.

(A) Chart recording of a K+ pulsation experiment on a Calliphora prepupal muscle cell under steady perfusion with Ringer. This shows that the response of the cell membrane potential (EM) to constant-sized pulses of high-K+ (97·2 mmol l−1) Ringer was markedly reduced when the cell was exposed to low-Na+ Ringer. The extracellular Na+ activity (aNao) is indicated on the bottom line. Applications of high-K+ pulses are indicated by short bars beneath the EM trace. (B) Graph illustrating the change in the magnitude of the membrane response to constant-sized pulses of high-K+ Ringer when the cells were exposed to low-Na+ (1·25 mmol l−1) Ringer (duration indicated by thick horizontal bar). This shows the marked reduction in the membrane response (assumed to reflect the partial K+ permeability of the membrane, pK) which occurred in the presence of low levels of extracellular Na+. Data points denote means + S.E. (N = 7; each cell from a different preparation).

Measurement of both intracellular K+ and Na+ activities in the same population of cells: a test of the model without involving any solution change

According to the model for resting membrane electrogenesis based on the simplified version of the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation (equation 2), by taking into account the transmembrane gradients of K+ and Na+ it should be possible to predict the EM of a cell when bathed in normal Ringer, from a knowledge of the intracellular K+ and Na+ activities and a given value of α, as follows:
We were attracted to this type of test of the model, in spite of the technical difficulty involved, since it avoided any solution change. Thus, aKi values, aNai values and EM values were measured in a group of 18 cells, and EM values calculated using the above equation for the three different values of α given in

Table 2. Resulting data are illustrated in Fig. 8, showing the relationships between predicted and measured values of EM, and also expressed in Table 2. Clearly, the best prediction for the data is obtained for the value of α (0·036) derived from K+ substitution experiments involving solution changes in which Na+ activity was kept equal to or greater than the normal value.

Table 2.

Comparison of EM values measured directly and those predicted from equation 2 for the three different values of a (see also Table 1)

Comparison of EM values measured directly and those predicted from equation 2 for the three different values of a (see also Table 1)
Comparison of EM values measured directly and those predicted from equation 2 for the three different values of a (see also Table 1)
Fig. 8.

Graph showing the relationships between the resting membrane potential values measured and predicted from the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation (see equation 3 in text) for a population of 18 cells assuming different values of α. Open circles, α = 0·169; filled circles, α = 0·036; open triangles, α = 0·086. Dashed line denotes equality, i.e. predicted EM = measured EM.

Fig. 8.

Graph showing the relationships between the resting membrane potential values measured and predicted from the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation (see equation 3 in text) for a population of 18 cells assuming different values of α. Open circles, α = 0·169; filled circles, α = 0·036; open triangles, α = 0·086. Dashed line denotes equality, i.e. predicted EM = measured EM.

The effect of varying extracellular K+ and Na+ activities on EM, whilst keeping [(aKo+0·036aNao) ×aClo] constant

The purpose of this set of experiments was to test whether the most realistic value of α (0·036) deduced in the first part of this paper would explain membrane electrogenesis in a restricted range of ionic concentrations around normal. The product was kept constant so as to prevent passive movements of intracellular Cl. Substitution solutions were constructed as described in Materials and methods. A typical result is shown in Fig. 9. As expected, all EM changes were quick and reversible, occurring within less than Imin of the completion of the solution change (cf. Fig. 1). The changes in EM with changes in (aKo+0·036aNao) are represented graphically in Fig. 10. The latter illustrates the linear relationship between EM and the logarithm of (aKo+0·036aNao). The slope of the line is 58 mV per 10-fold change in aKo+0·036aNao with an extremely high correlation coefficient (0·996). Thus, this confirms that the value of 0·036 for α accurately predicts the prevailing resting membrane potential in a cell.

Fig. 9.

Chart recording showing a substitution experiment on a Calliphora prepupal muscle cell in which the extracellular K+, Na+ and CT activities (aKo, aNao, and aClo, respectively) were varied while (aKo+ 0·036aNao) ×aClo was kept constant. It illustrates the rapid and sustained nature of the resting membrane potential (EM) changes.

Fig. 9.

Chart recording showing a substitution experiment on a Calliphora prepupal muscle cell in which the extracellular K+, Na+ and CT activities (aKo, aNao, and aClo, respectively) were varied while (aKo+ 0·036aNao) ×aClo was kept constant. It illustrates the rapid and sustained nature of the resting membrane potential (EM) changes.

Fig. 10.

Graph illustrating the relationship between the resting membrane potential (EM) and the logarithm of (aKo+ 0·036aNao), as defined in the legend of Fig. 9. All points are given as means ± S.E. (N = 7) and these fall extremely close to a line with a slope of 58 mV per 10-fold change in (aKo+0·036aNao) (correlation coefficient, 0 · 996).

Fig. 10.

Graph illustrating the relationship between the resting membrane potential (EM) and the logarithm of (aKo+ 0·036aNao), as defined in the legend of Fig. 9. All points are given as means ± S.E. (N = 7) and these fall extremely close to a line with a slope of 58 mV per 10-fold change in (aKo+0·036aNao) (correlation coefficient, 0 · 996).

Measurements of the intracellular K+ activities (aK1) and calculations of the K+ equilibrium potentials (EK) presented in the preceding paper indicated strongly that in addition to K+, the resting membrane of prepupal Calliphora skeletal muscle was permeable to an ion with an equilibrium potential more positive than the EM. This has been confirmed in the present study. Thus, the generation of the EM has been shown to be explicable in terms of K+ and Na+ permeabilities. From experiments involving combined K+ and Na+ substitutions, the value of a was initially deduced to be 0·086. Jan & Jan (1976) reached a qualitatively similar conclusion in analogous muscles of Drosophila, although they estimated α to be 0·23. In the skeletal muscles of Locusta, Hoyle (1953) originally showed that a 10fold change in the extracellular K+ concentration resulted in an EM change of only 50 mV, thereby indicating that K+ was not the only ion contributing to EM. A comparable result was obtained by Janiszewski, Olszewska & Borkowska (1976) in Acheta. The situation in Orthoptera has been clarified by Leech (1986), who has demonstrated that, as in Diptera, resting membrane electrogenesis in the skeletal muscles of Schistocerca is due to K+ and Na+ permeabilities, α having a value of 0·016.

Attempts to test the Calliphora model by performing Na+ substitution experiments to determine directly the effect of Na+ on EM were only partially successful, however. When the extracellular Na+ concentration was reduced, the EM hyperpolarized, as expected if Na+ were involved in generating the EM-This initial hyperpolarization was followed by an unexpected sustained depolarizing phase, during which the EM became more positive than the resting level. Broadly similar effects have been reported in a variety of other insects. Jan & Jan (1976) obtained a comparable result in Drosophila. The role of Na+ in resting membrane electrogenesis in insect skeletal muscles was studied in Periplaneta, Carausius and Locusta by Wood (1957, 1961, 1963) and in Schistocerca by Lea & Usherwood (1973), and consistent results were obtained in all four species: EM values were found to be relatively depolarized in salines containing steadily decreasing Na+ levels. A similar effect was also shown for leech neuropile glial cells (Walz & Schlue, 1982). Wood (1963) found that as the extracellular Na+ concentration was reduced, the intracellular Na+ concentration (measured by flame photometry) decreased in parallel, thereby indicating again a finite permeability of the membranes to Na+. When aNai drops, one might expect that the activity of an electrogenic Na+/K+ pump would be slowed (Thomas, 1972) and that this might indirectly affect the EM. This possibility can be ruled out, however, since such a secondary effect would also affect the intracellular K+ activity, which is clearly not the case (Fig. 4). Djamgoz (1986, 1987) has presented evidence to suggest that in insects with ‘conventional’ haemolymph ion levels the Na+/K+ pump does not directly generate a part of the EM.

The response of Calliphora skeletal muscles to lowered extracellular Na+ involves a significant increase in the membrane input impedance (Fig. 5) and a fall in the partial permeability to K+ (pK) (Figs 6, 7). The mechanism of the reduction in PK is not clear. It has been shown that skeletal muscles of Diptera possess three types of K+ conductance mechanism (Salkoff & Wyman, 1983). (i) The classical delayed, rectifying K+ conductance of the kind described in detail in the squid giant axon by Hodgkin & Huxley (1952). Lowering the extracellular Na+ concentration has been shown to have no effect on this conductance, however (Hodgkin & Huxley, 1952). (ii) A fast, transient K+ conductance, the time course of which could not explain the sustained change in EM. (iii) A Ca2+-activated K+ conductance (gKCa) of the type found in snail neurones (Meech & Standen, 1975) and a variety of other cell types (see Meech, 1978 for a review). Reducing extracellular Na+ concentration might be expected to have an indirect effect on gKCa- For example, in sheep heart Purkinje fibres, a reduction in aNao causes an increase in the intracellular Ca2+ activity (aCai) by inhibiting the Na+/Ca2+ exchange mechanism (Bers & Ellis, 1982), and similarly in snail neurones (Partridge & Thomas, 1976). Such a rise in aCai would activate gKCa and lead to an increase in pK and a hyperpolarization in EM, which is in fact observed. This scheme does not, however, explain the sustained depolarizing change in EM. The depolarization might, however, be explained if reducing aNao led to a reduction in aCai. Such an effect has been reported in leech sensory neurones (Deitmer & Schlue, 1984), but it is not known if it also exists in Calliphora muscles. Interestingly, Jan & Jan (1976) found that the anomalous effect of reducing aNao on EM could be rectified by increasing the external Ca2+ concentration. Thus, it appears that there is a link between the transmembrane Na+ gradient and/or aCai (not involving conventional Na+/Ca2+ exchange) and the K+ permeability of the membranes, but further work is required to clarify the situation.

In conclusion, the available data suggest that the value of a obtained from the high-Na+ end of the K+ substitution experiment (Fig. 2; Table 1), i.e. α = 0·036, is a realistic estimate. At rest therefore, nearly 97 % of the membrane permeability is to K+ and some 3 % to Na+. These figures have been confirmed by experiments on resting muscles involving no change of bathing media. Further evidence for the correctness of this value of α was obtained from experiments in which the effect of varying aKo and aNao in a narrow range on EM whilst keeping (aKo+ 0·036aNao) × αClo constant was tested. The latter experiments also showed that the EM changes induced by these solutions were rapid, equilibrating within a few minutes, as opposed to several tens of minutes experienced in the earlier K+ substitution experiments (Fig. 1), thereby also providing additional evidence for the passive distribution of Cl in these muscles.

This study was supported by a SERC-CASE studentship to JD (ICI pic as collaborating body). We thank Drs J. Hardie and S. Irving and Professor W. R. Schlue for many useful discussions.

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