Day, N. and Butler, P. J. (2005). The effects of acclimation to reversed seasonal temperatures on the swimming performance of adult brown trout Salmo trutta. J. Exp. Biol.208, 2683-2692.

On page 2686 an error appeared in the second sentence of the second paragraph of the Results section in both the on-line and print versions of this paper, which reads:

However in both winter and summer, the Ucrits of these groups were significantly higher than those for the groups acclimated to the reversed seasonal temperatures (5°C in winter, 15°C in summer).

The correct sentence should read:

However in both winter and summer, the Ucrits of these groups were significantly higher than those for the groups acclimated to the reversed seasonal temperatures (15°C in winter, 5°C in summer).

The authors apologise for any inconvenience caused.