This Correction updates the Expression of Concern (doi:10.1242/jcs.233080) relating to J. Cell Sci. (2009) 122, 1091-1099 (doi:10.1242/jcs.039644).

The wrong western blot was used for the anti-4.1G U1 panel in Fig. 1B. The original full blots for this figure are no longer available so the corresponding author, Xiuli An, repeated the experiment with the original antibody. The new results confirm the specificity of the anti-4.1G U1 antibody, as shown here.

During our investigation into this matter, a reader also noticed that the cell images acquired using the anti-4.1B U2 antibody in Fig. 3 were duplicated for HBE and MDCK cells. This was an error that occurred during figure preparation. The authors provided the original images and the corrected figure is shown here. The authors apologise to readers for any inconvenience caused by these errors, which do not affect the conclusions of the paper.