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Summary: This Review article summarizes the current state-of-the-art retinal stem cell therapies, and highlights the essential role of developmental biology in moving this field forward.

Summary: This Review article provides a comprehensive overview of prostate development, focusing on recent findings regarding sexual dimorphism, bud induction, branching morphogenesis and cellular differentiation.


Highlighted Article: Second trimester human chorion, a fetal membrane, contains definitive hematopoietic stem cells capable of engrafting adult immunodeficient mice.


Summary: FGF signaling is required for post-gastrula paraxial mesoderm induction through a unique mechanism that differs from its role during gastrula stage mesoderm induction.

Summary: Three-dimensional confocal imaging reveals changes in cell morphology, behaviour and gene expression during cardiac regeneration following cryoinjury.

Summary: A combination of homozygous mutant and RNAi analyses reveal that the variant histone H2AV is required for the normal differentiation of blood cells in Drosophila larval lymph glands.

Summary: Satb1 regulates the cell fate choice between pluripotency and differentiation in the early mouse embryo and is a downstream target of the Fgf signalling pathway.

Summary: Neuroepithelial cells are the predominant stem cell type to support cerebellar regeneration after injury in Zebrafish, as opposed to radial glia-like cells, which play a relatively minor role.


Highlighted Article: The MpWIP gene controls the development of the air pore complex – a multicellular structure that increases CO2 uptake – in the early-diverging land plant Marchantia polymorpha.

Highlighted Article: Left-right patterning creates morphogenetic differences between the left and right walls of the vertebrate foregut that generate the asymmetric curvature of the stomach.

Summary: Intracellular Ca2+ signaling regulates protein translation and can compensate for insulin signaling in specialized neuro-hormonal cells, thus enabling Drosophila larval to pupal development under acute starvation.

Summary: The sub-epidermal integument cell layer of the Arabidopsis seed coat is insensitive to endosperm growth alone and displays a unique response to fertilization.


Highlighted Article: Skin-graft experiments, transcriptional profiling and growth factor treatment demonstrate that estrogen-regulated TGFβ signalling is crucial for the maintenance of the highly specialized nipple epidermis.

Summary: Loss of expression of zinc-finger transcription factor Nerfin-1 in early-stage medullar neurons activates Notch signaling and promotes neuron-to-neuroblast reversion.

Summary: A folate receptor-dependent action promotes neural tube formation by facilitating the changes in neural plate cell shape that are required during neurulation.

Summary: Transcriptome analysis and knock down of select transcription factors reveals a genetic hierarchy as cells become committed to inner ear fate.

Summary: IFT56 is key for the integrity and function of intraflagellar transport in cilia, and, consequently, for vertebrate development.

Summary: Genetic analyses of Esama function in mutant zebrafish embryos reveal specific and redundant functions of Esama and VE-cadherin proteins in endothelial cell recognition and blood vessel morphogenesis.

Summary: The transcription factor Helios regulates G1-S transition to promote neuronal differentiation of a striatopallidal neuronal subpopulation involved in motor skill acquisition.



From Journal of Cell Science
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