A single-cell transcriptomics CRISPR-activation screen identifies new epigenetic regulators of zygotic genome activationby Alda-Catalinas et al.

Finding regulators of zygotic genome activation through CRISPR-activation screening.

Selected by Sergio Menchero. Read the preLight here

Developmental regulation of Canonical and small ORF translation from mRNAby Patraquim et al.

To be, or not to be translated. Patraquim and colleagues clarify the translational status of canonical and short ORFs during Drosophila embryogenesis.

Selected by Lorenzo Lafranchi. Read the preLight here

Single-cell gene regulatory network analysis reveals new melanoma cell states and transition trajectories during phenotype switchingby Wouters et al.

This new preprint from the Aerts lab details how they used scRNA-seq to identify a new intermediate cell state during melanoma phenotype switching

Selected by Hannah Brunsdon. Read the preLight here

The Wnt pathway scaffold protein Axin promotes signaling specificity by suppressing competing kinase reactionsby Gavagan et al.

Axin, a Wnt pathway scaffold protein, promotes GSK3β affinity for β-catenin and suppresses GSK3β affinity for competing substrates

Selected by Yasmin Lau. Read the preLight here

Single-cell RNA-sequencing reveals profibrotic roles of distinct epithelial and mesenchymal lineages in pulmonary fibrosis by Habermann et al.


Single Cell RNA-seq reveals ectopic and aberrant lung resident cell populations in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosisby Adams et al.

The application of single cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) approaches in the context of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) highlights dramatic remodelling of epithelial, stromal and vascular transcriptomes.

Selected by Rob Hynds. Read the preLight here

Cross-species transcriptomic and epigenomic analysis reveals key regulators of injury response and neuronal regeneration in vertebrate retinasby Hoang et al.

Fish can fully regenerate cells in the eye after an injury, the chick can do it partially, while mammals lack regenerative potential. The Blackshaw lab explores the pathways activated upon retinal injury in these species.

Selected by Sejal Davla. Read the preLight here

Aging is associated with a systemic length-driven transcriptome imbalanceby Stoeger et al.

A systems biology approach points to an imbalance in RNA transcript length as the best single factor implicated in ageing, more significant than any gene alteration alone.

Selected by Monika Magon. Read the preLight here

A tripartite flip-flop sleep circuit switches sleep statesby Maluck et al.

The Bringmann lab sheds light on the neuronal circuit mechanisms upstream of sleep-promoting neurons, thus addressing the question: who regulates the (sleep) regulator?

Selected by Mara Andrione. Read the preLight here

The histone chaperone FACT induces Cas9 multi-turnover behavior and modifies genome manipulation in human cellsby Wang et al.

Cutting to the FACT of the matter – the FACT histone chaperone complex can modify Cas9 behaviour during gene editing, potentially influencing the outcome of different CRISPR approaches.

Selected by Nicola Stevenson. Read the preLight here