Metamorphosis of holometabolous insects, an elaborate change of form between larval, pupal and adult stages, offers an ideal system to study the regulation of morphogenetic processes by hormonal signals. Metamorphosis involves growth and differentiation, tissue remodeling and death, all of which are orchestrated by the morphogenesis-promoting ecdysteroids and the antagonistically acting juvenile hormone (JH), whose presence precludes the metamorphic changes. How target tissues interpret this combinatorial effect of the two hormonal cues is poorly understood, mainly because JH does not prevent larval-pupal transformation in the derived Drosophila model, and because the JH receptor is unknown. We have recently used the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum to show that JH controls entry to metamorphosis via its putative receptor Methoprene-tolerant (Met). Here, we demonstrate that Met mediates JH effects on the expression of the ecdysteroid-response gene Broad-Complex (BR-C). Using RNAi and a classical mutant, we show that Tribolium BR-C is necessary for differentiation of pupal characters. Furthermore, heterochronic combinations of retarded and accelerated phenotypes caused by impaired BR-C function suggest that besides specifying the pupal fate, BR-C operates as a temporal coordinator of hormonally regulated morphogenetic events across epidermal tissues. Similar results were also obtained when using the lacewing Chrysopa perla (Neuroptera), a member of another holometabolous group with a primitive type of metamorphosis. The tissue coordination role of BR-C may therefore be a part of the Holometabola groundplan.

The majority of animal species on the Earth are holometabolous insects,such as beetles (Coleoptera), flies (Diptera) or moths (Lepidoptera), whose transformation from wingless larvae to flying adults occurs by a transitory stage known as the pupa. This type of metamorphosis enabled higher specialization of the feeding larval stage and the exploitation of new niches,and, consequently, contributed to the Holometabola lineage success. How exactly is the switch from larval to pupal to adult developmental programs coordinated is far from being well understood.

Current models propose that two types of lipophilic hormones regulate the entry to metamorphosis. In the absence of the sesquiterpenoid juvenile hormone(JH), ecdysteroids initiate the pupal program, in which larval structures are transformed into imaginal ones and new pupal cuticle is deposited(Riddiford, 1994; Buszczak and Segraves, 2000; Gilbert et al., 2000; Thummel, 2001; Dubrovsky, 2005; Truman and Riddiford, 2007). The role of JH is anti-metamorphic, as in the presence of JH the larva cannot pupate but molts to another larva. Our knowledge about the molecular events underlying metamorphosis is primarily based on the Drosophila model. Unfortunately, fly development has largely lost dependence on JH, as constant exposure to JH cannot prevent entry to the pupal program(Riddiford and Ashburner,1991; Restifo and Wilson,1998). Thus, in response to an elevated ecdysteroid titer, Drosophila larval epidermis dies and the adult head and thorax, with appendages, develop from imaginal discs, while the abdominal epidermis proliferates from histoblasts (Madhavan and Schneiderman, 1977; Bayer et al., 1996b). Only at this later stage does ectopic JH interfere with Drosophila metamorphosis, most notably with the making of the adult abdomen (Postlethwait,1974; Riddiford and Ashburner,1991; Restifo and Wilson,1998; Zhou and Riddiford,2002). By contrast, both ecdysteroid and JH signals are necessary to coordinate metamorphosis in typical holometabolous larvae, whose polymorphic epidermal cells sequentially produce first larval, then pupal and finally adult structures (Riddiford,1994), while internally growing imaginal discs, if any occur, give rise to appendages only, particularly the wings(Svacha, 1992).

Seminal studies in Drosophila have defined the ecdysteroid signaling pathway. The heterodimeric nuclear receptor consisting of EcR and Usp (Thomas et al., 1993; Yao et al., 1993) regulates primary ecdysteroid-response genes that encode transcription factors(Buszczak and Segraves, 2000). Of these transcription factors, E74(Fletcher et al., 1995) and Broad-Complex (BR-C) are specifically required for metamorphosis.(BR-C has been designated as br by FlyBase, but, in keeping with nomenclature commonly used in the literature and to avoid confusion with the BR-C complementation group br, we use the original name.)

The BR-C gene encodes a Broad-Complex-Tramtrack-Bric-a-brac (BTB)domain with one of four alternatively spliced C2H2 zinc-finger motifs Z1-Z4(DiBello et al., 1991; Bayer et al., 1996a). Mutants in the isoform-specific regions form three complementation groups (br,rbp and 2Bc), and display both specific and partly overlapping defects in the differentiation of adult tissues and the death of larval ones;loss of the entire gene in nonpupariating (npr1) mutants blocks metamorphosis completely (Belyaeva et al., 1980; Kiss et al.,1988; Restifo and White,1992; Fletcher and Thummel,1995; Bayer et al.,1997). The function of BR-C is conserved at least in lepidopterans, as BR-C Z4 from Manduca sexta partially rescues the rbp mutants (Bayer et al., 2003), and corresponding metamorphic defects result from BR-C RNAi in the silkmoth Bombyx mori(Uhlirova et al., 2003). However, because Diptera and Lepidoptera represent advanced and related insect orders, it is of interest to examine the role of BR-C in other holometabolans.

BR-C is an attractive target of the as yet poorly characterized JH signaling. Studies in Manduca(Zhou et al., 1998) and Bombyx (Reza et al.,2004) have shown that removal of the JH-producing corpora allata glands causes ectopic BR-C induction as well as precocious pupation,whereas exposure of larvae to JH prevents both BR-C transcription and pupation. BR-C is therefore thought of as the JH-dependent switch between larval and pupal programs (Zhou and Riddiford, 2002; Dubrovsky, 2005), but causal genetic evidence for this idea is missing. In the absence of a bona fide JH receptor, it is also unclear how JH might influence BR-Cexpression.

An excellent model with which to address these problems is the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum, in which JH exerts its classical anti-metamorphic effect. We have recently shown that perturbed function of the Tribolium ortholog of the Drosophila Methoprene-tolerant(Met) gene causes larvae to metamorphose prematurely, before reaching their final instar (Konopova and Jindra,2007). This phenotype is compatible with Drosophila Metmutation conferring resistance to JH and its mimic methoprene(Wilson and Fabian, 1986; Ashok et al., 1998), and this,together with the high-affinity binding of Met to JH(Shemshedini and Wilson, 1990; Miura et al., 2005), makes Met currently the best candidate for a JH receptor. Interestingly, Metand BR-C mutations interact genetically during Drosophiladevelopment (Wilson et al.,2006).

In this study, we use Tribolium and a neuropteran, lacewing Chrysopa perla, to show that the primary role of BR-C in directing the larval-pupal transition may have been present in primitive holometaboly. We propose that this role is a temporal coordination of tissues during the metamorphic process, which is at least partly achieved by Met-dependent JH regulation of BR-C expression.

Isolation of Tribolium and Chrysopa BR-C cDNAs

Regions encoding the conserved BTB domain and the five zinc-finger domains were identified in the Tribolium genome database( using TBLASTN with Drosophila BR-C sequences. Sequence of the variable core region was obtained by RT-PCR (primers 5′-TCCAGGTGAATAGTGATTACG and 5′-GACTGTCTTTAACCTCGTTC) of the entire open reading frame of the TcBR-C isoform Z4 using total RNA from Tribolium prepupae. Sequences specific to the remaining four isoforms were obtained with a forward primer in the common core region and reverse primers in exons Z1-Z5 (see Table 1). The 5′ and 3′ cDNA ends were amplified by using the GeneRacer Kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA).

Table 1.

Primers and numbers of PCR amplification cycles used for RT-PCR analyses

Target sequenceForward primer (5′-3′)Reverse primer (5′-3′)Number of cycles
Target sequenceForward primer (5′-3′)Reverse primer (5′-3′)Number of cycles

Partial sequence for a putative Chrysopa BR-C Z2 isoform was cloned from late-third (final) instar larvae by using touch-down, nested RT-PCR (Uhlirova et al.,2003), with primers mapping to the BTB and Z2 zinc-finger domains. PCR with a degenerate primer set 5′-AARWSIACICCITGYAARCAYCC and 5′-CKISWRCARTAIACICKYTCRCA was followed by PCR with nested primers 5′-TAYCAYGGIGARGTIAAYGTNCA and 5′-TAYTCYTCYTGICKIWCNGCRTG. BR-C cDNA sequences from both species are available from GenBank(accession numbers EU200752-EU200758).

Animals, RNAi and mutant analysis

Wild-type Tribolium castaneum, strain San Bernardino (obtained from G. Bucher, Georg August University, Goettingen) was reared at 32°C and staged as described (Konopova and Jindra, 2007). Under constant conditions, pupation takes place after seven or eight larval instars. Line KS342 carrying a piggyBac insertion within the TcBR-C gene produced by the GEKU screen was kindly provided by S. Brown (Kansas State University,Manhattan, KS). An enhancer-trap line pu11 that marks developing wings (Lorenzen et al., 2003; Tomoyasu and Denell, 2004) was a gift from Y. Tomoyasu (Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS). Chrysopa perla larvae were maintained at 24°C on a culture of live aphids(Acyrthosiphon pisum).

dsRNA of the indicated lengths (see Table 2) was prepared by using T3 and T7 MEGAscript kits (Ambion, Austin, TX). dsRNA concentrated up to 5μg/μl was injected into the abdomen of CO2 anesthetized Tribolium or Chrysopa larvae as described(Tomoyasu and Denell, 2004; Konopova and Jindra,2007).

Table 2.

Lengths of dsRNA sequences used for RNAi

Target sequencedsRNA length (bp)
TcBR-C_core 586 
TcBR-C_Z1 171 
TcBR-C_Z2 176 
TcBR-C_Z3 174 
TcBR-C_Z4 169 
TcBR-C_Z5 179 
TcMet 564 
CpBR-C 952 
egfp 720 
Target sequencedsRNA length (bp)
TcBR-C_core 586 
TcBR-C_Z1 171 
TcBR-C_Z2 176 
TcBR-C_Z3 174 
TcBR-C_Z4 169 
TcBR-C_Z5 179 
TcMet 564 
CpBR-C 952 
egfp 720 

To determine the lethal phase in the Tribolium KS342 line, we mated individual males carrying the piggyBac insertion (marked with EGFP) with wild-type females, and then crossed heterozygous KS342/+males and females obtained from their progeny. Almost no lethality was observed in the embryos. The EGFP-positive larvae were reared and scored until adult stage. Whether larvae were homozygous for the KS342 insertion was determined by PCR amplification of crude genomic DNA(Gloor et al., 1993) with primers 5′-GCAAAATTGCATCCGAGAAC and 5′-GTTTGCTTCACCGATATGAC flanking the site of piggyBac insertion.

Methoprene treatment

Early Tribolium prepupae were injected with TcMet or egfp dsRNA and allowed to pupate. These RNAi pupae or intact pupae 0-4 hours after ecdysis were briefly dipped into 0.3 mM methoprene (VUOS,Pardubice, Czech Republic) in acetone, or into acetone alone(Konopova and Jindra, 2007). At the desired stage the pupae were subjected to mRNA expression analysis.

mRNA expression analysis

cDNA was prepared from 2 μg of total RNA isolated with TRIzol reagent(Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and treated with DNase (Roche, Mannheim, Germany)as described (Konopova and Jindra,2007). cDNA samples diluted 5-fold with water were subjected to standard PCR reactions with Taq DNA polymerase (Unis, Top-Bio, Prague, Czech Republic); the GC-rich Z3 cDNA was amplified with Phusion DNA polymerase(Finnzymes, Espoo, Finland). For primer sequences and cycle numbers see Table 1.

Fig. 1.

TcBR-C gene structure and mRNA expression. (A) Exons of the common core region, including the BTB domain, are spliced to one of the five zinc-finger exons (Z1-Z5). Solid and open boxes indicate coding and untranslated mRNA regions, respectively. The open reading frame is preceded by two alternative noncoding exons. The region used for whole gene silencing is shown (RNAi). Mutant line KS342 carries a piggyBac insertion 480 bp upstream of the Z1 exon. (B) Alignment of BR-C BTB domains. From top: Tribolium castaneum, Drosophila melanogaster, Aedes aegypti,Anopheles gambiae, Bombyx mori, Manduca sexta, Apis mellifera, Oncopeltus fasciatus, Acheta domesticus. (C) Total RNA from the indicated stages was subjected to DNase treatment and RT-PCR with primers for the core region or those specifically detecting the Z1-Z5 isoform transcripts. Numbers indicate hours since egg laying or ecdysis. F and M, 10-day old females and males, respectively. The prepupal stage begins at around 72 hours after the last larval ecdysis. Expression of rp49 serves for control.

Fig. 1.

TcBR-C gene structure and mRNA expression. (A) Exons of the common core region, including the BTB domain, are spliced to one of the five zinc-finger exons (Z1-Z5). Solid and open boxes indicate coding and untranslated mRNA regions, respectively. The open reading frame is preceded by two alternative noncoding exons. The region used for whole gene silencing is shown (RNAi). Mutant line KS342 carries a piggyBac insertion 480 bp upstream of the Z1 exon. (B) Alignment of BR-C BTB domains. From top: Tribolium castaneum, Drosophila melanogaster, Aedes aegypti,Anopheles gambiae, Bombyx mori, Manduca sexta, Apis mellifera, Oncopeltus fasciatus, Acheta domesticus. (C) Total RNA from the indicated stages was subjected to DNase treatment and RT-PCR with primers for the core region or those specifically detecting the Z1-Z5 isoform transcripts. Numbers indicate hours since egg laying or ecdysis. F and M, 10-day old females and males, respectively. The prepupal stage begins at around 72 hours after the last larval ecdysis. Expression of rp49 serves for control.

Scanning electron microscopy

Samples were fixed in 80% ethanol, postfixed with 1% osmium tetroxide,dehydrated in ethanol, critical-point dried, gold coated, and observed under a JEOL 6300 (Tokyo, Japan) scanning electron microscope.

Tribolium BR-C encodes conserved and novel protein isoforms

A putative T. castaneum BR-C ortholog (TcBR-C) has been identified in the Tribolium genome database by the presence of a conserved N-terminal BTB domain and of alternative C-terminal zinc finger DNA-binding domains (Fig. 1A). The BTB domain consists of 115 amino acids of which 90-97% residues are identical to those in BR-C BTB domains from other insects(Fig. 1B). We have isolated multiple transcripts of the gene, including two alternatively spliced 5′untranslated regions and 3′ ends encoding five zinc finger domains alternatively spliced to the common core, comprising the BTB domain and a variable region (Fig. 1A). Four of the TcBR-C zinc finger motifs (Z1-Z4) show homology to those known in other insects (e.g. 84%, 91%, 100% and 93% amino acid identity with Drosophila BR-C Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z4, respectively). Moreover, the order in which the exons encoding the zinc finger domains follow within the genomic DNA (i.e. Z1, Z4, Z2 and Z3; Fig. 1A) is conserved among Tribolium, Drosophila and Bombyx (DiBello et al.,1991; Bayer et al.,1996a; Ijiro et al.,2004; Nishita and Takiya,2004; Reza et al.,2004). Although in these species and in mosquitoes(Chen et al., 2004) no more than four isoforms have been found, an additional exon in Tribolium(Fig. 1A) predicts a fifth zinc-finger domain (Z5), whose sequence does not match any of the known BR-C proteins. All five isoforms produce transcripts with both of the alternatively spliced 5′ untranslated exons. The sequence homology together with the conserved microsynteny of the zinc finger-encoding exons demonstrates that the gene we have isolated is a Tribolium BR-C ortholog.

Continuous TcBR-C expression peaks during the larva-pupa transition

To identify stages at which TcBR-C is expressed and potentially required, we analyzed cDNA samples prepared from embryos, fifth and eighth(final) instar larvae, pupae and adults. The transcript region common to all TcBR-C isoforms was detected continuously at moderate levels, with a strong peak rising at the onset of the prepupal (i.e. pharate pupal) stage and declining soon after ecdysis in early pupae(Fig. 1C, top row). To see whether there was any stage specificity in the presence or predominance of individual isoform mRNAs, we repeated RT-PCR with primer sets, each of which was able to amplify only one of the five zinc finger-encoding exons. Figure 1C shows that isoforms Z1, Z4 and Z5 were mainly responsible for the sharp rise of total TcBR-C mRNA at 72 hours of the eighth instar, whereas isoforms Z2 and Z3 showed a more gradual increase. Nevertheless, all isoform-specific mRNAs could be detected at all examined stages. These data suggest that TcBR-C may play a role throughout development, although its upregulation during the onset of metamorphosis indicates its requirement for pupal differentiation.

Fig. 2.

Loss of TcBR-C blocks Tribolium metamorphosis.(A) A control pupa shows developed and elongated wings (black arrows),legs (white arrow) and gin traps (open arrowheads). (B) A prepupa that had been injected with the common-region TcBR-C dsRNA as a fifth-instar larva developed normally until it died at the end of the final instar. Upon removal of the apolysed larval cuticle the same animal displayed larval shape and rudimentary wings (B', black arrows). (C-G)Essentially the same phenotype was found in dying animals homozygous for the KS342 piggyBac insertion that were freed from the larval cuticle. Note the vestigial wings and short legs (black and white arrows,respectively), defects in compound eyes (black arrowheads), thick antenna(asterisk), short larval urogomphi (F, ur) and missing gin traps (G) above abdominal spiracles (sp). (H) Total RNA from wild-type prepupae and from two sets of arrested TcBR-CKS342 homozygous prepupae(two per sample) was subjected to RT-PCR. Note the reduced Z2 and Z3 mRNA levels in TcBR-CKS342. Expression of rp49 served as a control. (I) Lower doses of the common-region TcBR-CdsRNA allowed ecdysis into imperfect pupae with more developed yet abnormally short wings (black arrows in A through D), partially formed gin traps (white arrowheads), and short legs (white arrow). In B' and C, larval cuticle could not be completely removed from the anterior head and distal legs. Scale bars:in A,1 mm for A-B′,I; C, 1 mm; D,F, 500 μm; E,G, 200 μm.

Fig. 2.

Loss of TcBR-C blocks Tribolium metamorphosis.(A) A control pupa shows developed and elongated wings (black arrows),legs (white arrow) and gin traps (open arrowheads). (B) A prepupa that had been injected with the common-region TcBR-C dsRNA as a fifth-instar larva developed normally until it died at the end of the final instar. Upon removal of the apolysed larval cuticle the same animal displayed larval shape and rudimentary wings (B', black arrows). (C-G)Essentially the same phenotype was found in dying animals homozygous for the KS342 piggyBac insertion that were freed from the larval cuticle. Note the vestigial wings and short legs (black and white arrows,respectively), defects in compound eyes (black arrowheads), thick antenna(asterisk), short larval urogomphi (F, ur) and missing gin traps (G) above abdominal spiracles (sp). (H) Total RNA from wild-type prepupae and from two sets of arrested TcBR-CKS342 homozygous prepupae(two per sample) was subjected to RT-PCR. Note the reduced Z2 and Z3 mRNA levels in TcBR-CKS342. Expression of rp49 served as a control. (I) Lower doses of the common-region TcBR-CdsRNA allowed ecdysis into imperfect pupae with more developed yet abnormally short wings (black arrows in A through D), partially formed gin traps (white arrowheads), and short legs (white arrow). In B' and C, larval cuticle could not be completely removed from the anterior head and distal legs. Scale bars:in A,1 mm for A-B′,I; C, 1 mm; D,F, 500 μm; E,G, 200 μm.

TcBR-C is required for morphogenesis of pupal characters

To determine the role of TcBR-C during postembryonic development,we injected Tribolium larvae with dsRNA directed against the variable common region (Fig. 1A) to silence all TcBR-C isoforms simultaneously. When fifth, sixth and final (seventh or eighth) instar larvae were injected, 100% of them(n=100) developed normally and underwent up to three successive larval molts, depending at which instar they had been injected. However, 98%of these animals eventually died during the prepupal stage at the end of the final larval instar (Fig. 2B,B′; see also Table S1 in the supplementary material). The penetrance of this phenotype was reduced to 64% (n=36) when third-instar larvae were injected, perhaps because of a weakening of the RNAi effect.

A prepupa is a pharate pupa in which larval cuticle has been apolysed and the newly deposited cuticle has attained pupal characters. However, removal of the apolysed larval cuticle from the arrested TcBR-C(RNAi) animals revealed recurrence of some larval features and disruption of the normal pupal morphogenesis (Figs 2, 3). These severely affected animals had an overall larval appearance with only rudimentary pupal wings(Fig. 2B′). The same lethal phenotype (Fig. 2C) was observed in 23% (n=260) of progeny produced by crossing beetles heterozygous for a piggyBac insertion KS342 within TcBR-C (Fig. 1A). Similar to the effect of RNAi, the mutant prepupae possessed larval urogomphi and vestigial wings, and they lacked the pupal-specific cuticular structures called gin traps (Fig. 2C-G). As would be expected from the almost 1:3 ratio of dying to normally developing animals, the arrested prepupae were homozygous for the KS342 mutation(see Materials and methods). TcBR-CKS342 homozygotes had reduced levels of mRNAs encoding isoforms Z2 and Z3(Fig. 2H), whose exons resided farther from the piggyBac insertion than exons Z1 and Z4(Fig. 1A). We speculate that splicing of the Z2 and Z3 mRNA products might be compromised by the insertion,but further analysis is necessary. These results show that BR-C is required for pupal development.

Closer examination revealed that although cuticle in severely affected TcBR-C(RNAi) animals lacked the long larval setae, it remained smooth, without the microsculpture typical for pupae(Fig. 3A, part d; Fig. 3B, part d). The urogomphi retained their larval shape (Fig. 3A) and the gin traps were missing(Fig. 3C) in strongly affected TcBR-C(RNAi) prepupae. Other structures appeared to be less dependent on normal TcBR-C function and continued the pupal or adult program in arrested animals. For instance, distal abdominal segments differentiated pupal characters such as the genital papillae, but abnormalities were clearly visible (Fig. 3A, part d). The compound eyes developed several rows of ommatidia, although these were not evenly spaced as in normal pupae (Fig. 3D; Fig. 2D,E). Although the antennae lacked sensillae, they apparently developed towards the adult fate, with their club shape and clear separation of segments(Fig. 3E). Finally, the legs of TcBR-C(RNAi) animals lost the larval character as they possessed the double claws that normally develop in pupae and are typical for the adult leg(Fig. 3F). Slightly accelerated development was suggested by more distinctly separated tarsal segments and sharper claws in TcBR-C(RNAi) animals relative to normal pupae(Fig. 3F).

For a better insight into how TcBR-C effects the larval-pupal transition, we elicited a milder phenotypic response by diluting the dsRNA up to a 1000-fold. These lowered dsRNA doses were still lethal but allowed prepupae to ecdyse. All such treated animals had noticeably shortened and blistered wings and legs relative to control pupae(Fig. 2A,I). Compared with strong RNAi phenotypes, some pupal characters became more prominent. The animals developed gin traps, albeit aberrant(Fig. 2I; Fig. 3C, part e), their urogomphi were elongated, genital segments were nearly perfectly differentiated (Fig. 3A, part e), and the cuticle surface had a pupal-like microsculpture(Fig. 3B, part e). Except for the absence of sensory bristles, the antennae resembled the adult ones(Fig. 3E, part e). Conversely,legs with less prominent claws and segment borders suggested a weaker acceleration of the adult program than that observed with the strong RNAi effect (Fig. 3F).

Effects of TcBR-C isoforms

In Drosophila, some functions are shared by all BR-C proteins,whereas others are fulfilled by a specific isoform(Bayer et al., 1997). To see whether any unique functions apply to Tribolium BR-C isoforms, we injected larvae with dsRNA against each of the five zinc finger domains separately. Probably due to the limited sequence lengths, transcript levels of the targeted isoforms declined only partially(Fig. 4A). All larvae treated for a single isoform ecdysed into pupae displaying a degree of aberrancies increasing in the order of isoforms: Z5<Z1<Z4<Z3<Z2, with the most visible effect being the shortening of the wings and legs(Fig. 4; see also Fig. S1 in the supplementary material). These pupae developed into adults that either eclosed normally or died unable to ecdyse. Targeting of BR-C Z5 had no obvious effect. Interestingly, a simultaneous knockdown of Z1 and Z2 isoforms enhanced the short wing and leg phenotype, such that it resembled the mild effect of the common-region RNAi, including imperfect development of the gin traps(compare Fig. 2I with Fig. 4D). Thus, Z1 and Z2 might together be indispensable for wing elongation. Similarly, the apparent loss of Z2 and Z3 mRNAs in the TcBR-CKS342 mutants could not be compensated for by the remaining BR-C products(Fig. 2H). Taken together,these results suggest at least some specific roles for the TcBR-C isoforms.

Fig. 3.

TcBR-C is necessary for proper differentiation of pupal characters. Strong and mild phenotypes in animals that had been injected with TcBR-C dsRNA as fifth to seventh instar larvae are compared with wild-type. (A) Urogomphi in strongly affected animals are short, as in larvae, but elongated and forked, more like in pupae, upon mild TcBR-C RNAi treatment (a-e, yellow arrowheads; adults lack urogomphi). Larval pygopods (black arrow) disappear and genital papillae on the ninth abdominal segment develop (yellow arrows), although the eighth segment is abnormally enlarged after strong TcBR-C RNAi (asterisks). The female genital pore (black arrowheads), visible in its original intersegmental position (d) has migrated between the papillae in a mildly affected female (e). VII, the seventh abdominal sternum. Females shown in b, d and e. (B) Cuticle surface on abdominal sterna is smooth, as in larvae,upon strong TcBR-C RNAi, but shows the pupal-like surface in milder phenotypes (compare a with d, and b with e). The adult cuticle has rounded pits with sensillae (c). (C) Gin traps (gt) form above pupal abdominal spiracles (sp) but are absent in larvae, adults and in strong TcBR-C(RNAi) phenotypes (a-d; arrowheads mark presumptive gin trap positions). Weakly affected animals partially develop gin traps (e).(D) Larval stemmata (a) are replaced by compound eyes that differentiate during pupal stage (b). Ommatidia appear in TcBR-C(RNAi) animals, although they are irregularly spaced (arrows,compare d and e with b). (E) Antennae lose the larval character in TcBR-C(RNAi) animals, but, unlike those in pupae, develop the distal club and divisions between segments. (F) Separations between tarsal segments are clearer in strong TcBR-C(RNAi) than in pupae or mild phenotypes, and sharp double claws (arrowheads), similar to those of adults(c), are visible (d). Larval tarsi are unsegmented and bear a single claw (a). Anterior (A-D) and proximal (E,F) is to the left. Scale bars: 500 μm(Ac,Da,Dc,Fc); 200 μm (Aa,Ab,Ad,Ae,Ca,Db,Dd,De,Eb,Fa,Fb,Fe); 100 μm(Cb-e,Ea,Ec-e,Fd); 50 μm (Ba-e).

Fig. 3.

TcBR-C is necessary for proper differentiation of pupal characters. Strong and mild phenotypes in animals that had been injected with TcBR-C dsRNA as fifth to seventh instar larvae are compared with wild-type. (A) Urogomphi in strongly affected animals are short, as in larvae, but elongated and forked, more like in pupae, upon mild TcBR-C RNAi treatment (a-e, yellow arrowheads; adults lack urogomphi). Larval pygopods (black arrow) disappear and genital papillae on the ninth abdominal segment develop (yellow arrows), although the eighth segment is abnormally enlarged after strong TcBR-C RNAi (asterisks). The female genital pore (black arrowheads), visible in its original intersegmental position (d) has migrated between the papillae in a mildly affected female (e). VII, the seventh abdominal sternum. Females shown in b, d and e. (B) Cuticle surface on abdominal sterna is smooth, as in larvae,upon strong TcBR-C RNAi, but shows the pupal-like surface in milder phenotypes (compare a with d, and b with e). The adult cuticle has rounded pits with sensillae (c). (C) Gin traps (gt) form above pupal abdominal spiracles (sp) but are absent in larvae, adults and in strong TcBR-C(RNAi) phenotypes (a-d; arrowheads mark presumptive gin trap positions). Weakly affected animals partially develop gin traps (e).(D) Larval stemmata (a) are replaced by compound eyes that differentiate during pupal stage (b). Ommatidia appear in TcBR-C(RNAi) animals, although they are irregularly spaced (arrows,compare d and e with b). (E) Antennae lose the larval character in TcBR-C(RNAi) animals, but, unlike those in pupae, develop the distal club and divisions between segments. (F) Separations between tarsal segments are clearer in strong TcBR-C(RNAi) than in pupae or mild phenotypes, and sharp double claws (arrowheads), similar to those of adults(c), are visible (d). Larval tarsi are unsegmented and bear a single claw (a). Anterior (A-D) and proximal (E,F) is to the left. Scale bars: 500 μm(Ac,Da,Dc,Fc); 200 μm (Aa,Ab,Ad,Ae,Ca,Db,Dd,De,Eb,Fa,Fb,Fe); 100 μm(Cb-e,Ea,Ec-e,Fd); 50 μm (Ba-e).

TcBR-C is induced during precocious pupation

Juvenile hormone (JH) is an anti-metamorphic signal that can block pupation; its removal causes precocious pupal development(Bounhiol, 1938; Wigglesworth, 1954; Nijhout, 1994). Precocious pupation of early-stage Tribolium larvae can be achieved by silencing of the Methoprene-tolerant gene (TcMet), which is necessary for JH signaling (Konopova and Jindra,2007). If TcBR-C is indeed essential for the pupal program as suggested by our results, then TcBR-C mRNA should be upregulated in such untimely TcMet(RNAi) prepupae. To test this hypothesis, we injected early-fifth instar larvae with TcMet dsRNA and examined TcBR-C expression in resulting sixth-instar precocious prepupae. Figure 5 shows that the TcBR-C mRNA level in these TcMet(RNAi) prepupae was high relative to in control early-seventh instar larvae. The increase was comparable to that normally seen during the onset of metamorphosis(Fig. 5 and Fig. 1C). This result links precocious pupal development that ensues from a deficiency in JH signaling with upregulation of TcBR-C. It also supports the premise that TcBR-C is required for pupation, even if premature.

Fig. 4.

TcBR-C isoform-specific effects. (A) Day 1 seventh-instar larvae were injected with indicated isoform-specific dsRNAs and subjected to RT-PCR as prepupae. Knocking down one isoform had no effect on the others.(B-D) Effects of knocking down TcBR-C isoforms. Black arrowheads mark the position to which wings normally extend in wild-type pupae (see Fig. 2A). Depletion of either Z1 (B) or Z2 (C) individually causes shortening of the wings (black arrows)and legs (white arrows), with the Z2 effect being stronger. Also note the aberrant head position (white arrowhead) and the blistered wing (asterisk). Combined double RNAi (D) enhanced the effect of isoform-specific dsRNAs on wings, legs and gin traps (insets), such that the aberrant pupae display the mild phenotypes of common-region TcBR-C RNAi (see Fig. 2I). Scale bars: in B, 1 mm for B-D; in insets, 200 μm.

Fig. 4.

TcBR-C isoform-specific effects. (A) Day 1 seventh-instar larvae were injected with indicated isoform-specific dsRNAs and subjected to RT-PCR as prepupae. Knocking down one isoform had no effect on the others.(B-D) Effects of knocking down TcBR-C isoforms. Black arrowheads mark the position to which wings normally extend in wild-type pupae (see Fig. 2A). Depletion of either Z1 (B) or Z2 (C) individually causes shortening of the wings (black arrows)and legs (white arrows), with the Z2 effect being stronger. Also note the aberrant head position (white arrowhead) and the blistered wing (asterisk). Combined double RNAi (D) enhanced the effect of isoform-specific dsRNAs on wings, legs and gin traps (insets), such that the aberrant pupae display the mild phenotypes of common-region TcBR-C RNAi (see Fig. 2I). Scale bars: in B, 1 mm for B-D; in insets, 200 μm.

Fig. 5.

Loss of TcMet induces upregulation of TcBR-C mRNA in precocious prepupae. RT-PCR shows that low TcBR-C expression in feeding day 1 eighth-instar larvae (L8) rises at the prepupal stage (PP8) 48 hours later (see also Fig. 1C). Injection of TcMet dsRNA to early-fifth instar larvae induced premature sixth-instar prepupae (PP6), which contained reduced TcMetmRNA and strongly elevated TcBR-C expression. Controls injected with egfp dsRNA and analyzed on day 1 of the seventh instar (L7) displayed a low TcBR-C mRNA level, typical for feeding larvae.

Fig. 5.

Loss of TcMet induces upregulation of TcBR-C mRNA in precocious prepupae. RT-PCR shows that low TcBR-C expression in feeding day 1 eighth-instar larvae (L8) rises at the prepupal stage (PP8) 48 hours later (see also Fig. 1C). Injection of TcMet dsRNA to early-fifth instar larvae induced premature sixth-instar prepupae (PP6), which contained reduced TcMetmRNA and strongly elevated TcBR-C expression. Controls injected with egfp dsRNA and analyzed on day 1 of the seventh instar (L7) displayed a low TcBR-C mRNA level, typical for feeding larvae.

JH regulates TcBR-C through TcMet

Similar to pupae of other insects, Tribolium pupae respond to exogenous JH or its mimic methoprene by deposition of a second pupal instead of adult cuticle (Konopova and Jindra,2007). In Manduca and Drosophila this ectopic JH treatment induces BR-C expression(Zhou and Riddiford, 2002). We have used this effect to provide evidence that TcBR-C acts in JH signaling downstream of TcMet. First, we established that methoprene treatment indeed caused overexpression of TcBR-C in pupae. Figure 6A shows that, whereas in controls TcBR-C mRNA declines to its basal level after day 1 of normal pupal development, it is highly abundant throughout the pupal stage after methoprene application. As was shown previously(Konopova and Jindra, 2007),these methoprene-treated animals died as second-stage pupae.

As the above effect of methoprene can be averted by the silencing of TcMet (Konopova and Jindra,2007), we next checked whether TcMet RNAi also prevented the upregulation of TcBR-C. Early prepupae were injected either with TcMet or with control dsRNA and, after pupation, the animals were treated with methoprene. Pupae aged 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours were then subjected to RT-PCR. As shown by the 48-hour- and 96-hour-old pupae(Fig. 6B), TcMetdepletion specifically prevented the induction of TcBR-C by methoprene. Consistent with our previous data(Konopova and Jindra, 2007),the methoprene-treated TcMet(RNAi) pupae produced adult beetles. This experiment demonstrates that TcMet is required for JH-induced upregulation of TcBR-C mRNA in Tribolium pupae. It also suggests that TcBR-C is a target of TcMet during JH-induced formation of the ectopic pupal stage.

BR-C is required for metamorphosis in the lacewing Chrysopa perla

To explore whether the essential role of BR-C in pupal development might be common to other orders with less derived holometaboly, we chose to study the lacewing Chrysopa perla (Neuroptera). Chrysopadevelops via three larval instars that are, unlike in Tribolium,easily discernible by distinct cuticle pigmentation and sensillation. Before pupation, Chrysopa larvae spin a cocoon from Malpighian tubules. We have isolated a cDNA fragment of a putative Chrysopa perla BR-Cortholog, hereafter referred to as CpBR-C. At its N terminus, this sequence shows 90% amino acid identity with the last 23 residues of the BR-C BTB domain; the C-terminal 23 amino acids match the Drosophila BR-C Z2 zinc-finger domain with 82% identity. The region between the two conserved domains shows little homology. Like in Tribolium, moderate CpBR-C mRNA levels were detected throughout embryogenesis (data not shown) and all three larval instars, with a marked expression peak before cocoon spinning at the end of final larval instar (see Fig. S2 in the supplementary material).

When first- and second-instar Chrysopa larvae were injected with CpBR-C dsRNA, no developmental defects were observed until the larval-pupal transition. Then, 95% (n=146) of the injected larvae arrested after the third instar at the prepupal stage, and 41% of them failed to complete or even initiate spinning their cocoons (see Table S2 in the supplementary material). The CpBR-C(RNAi) animals looked like imperfect pupae with very short wings and smaller compound eyes(Fig. 7). Although their cuticle pigmentation resembled that of pupae and lacked the long larval setae(Fig. 7), the cuticle showed typical larval thorns and was neither smooth, as in normal pupae, nor did it carry the long bristles seen in adults(Fig. 8A-D). The tarsi in CpBR-C(RNAi) animals became segmented as in pupae and adults, but pretarsi retained the larval character: compared with the pupal leg, they were narrow with hooked claws and ended with a long arolium similar to that found in larvae (Fig. 8E-H). In wild-type pupae, the long antennae pointed dorsally and were coiled on lateral sides (Fig. 7B), whereas in CpBR-C(RNAi) animals they were directed proximally and were twisted above the pupa-like mouthparts (Fig. 7F). Interestingly, differentiation of the compound eye in CpBR-C(RNAi) prepupae was more advanced relative to the smooth eye of control pupae, because it showed development of ommatidial lenses, although defective (Fig. 8I-L,J′-L′). Such premature eye differentiation probably resulted in holes instead of normal lenses(Fig. 8L). These results show that in Chrysopa, like in Tribolium, BR-C is required for pupation and plays important roles in the morphogenesis of certain pupal characters.

Fig. 6.

TcBR-C upregulation by methoprene requires TcMet.(A) Tribolium pupae aged up to 1 hour after ecdysis were briefly dipped into 0.3 mM methoprene or its solvent (-) and tested (3-4 pupae per sample) for TcBR-C mRNA expression at the indicated times (adults normally emerge after 108-120 hours). Although TcBR-C expression in control pupae was low, similar to that in intact pupae of corresponding age(see Fig. 1C), it was markedly induced by methoprene. (B) Methoprene blocks adult development and its lethal effect is averted by TcMet knockdown(Konopova and Jindra, 2007). Early prepupae were injected either with egfp or TcMetdsRNA, and within four hours after pupal ecdysis were treated with methoprene or acetone. Shown are examples of TcBR-C mRNA expression in individual pupae aged 48 and 96 hours. Note that methoprene did not induce TcBR-C in TcMet(RNAi) pupae. Similar results were obtained with all examined pupae (at least eight for each treatment), aged either 48,72 or 96 hours.

Fig. 6.

TcBR-C upregulation by methoprene requires TcMet.(A) Tribolium pupae aged up to 1 hour after ecdysis were briefly dipped into 0.3 mM methoprene or its solvent (-) and tested (3-4 pupae per sample) for TcBR-C mRNA expression at the indicated times (adults normally emerge after 108-120 hours). Although TcBR-C expression in control pupae was low, similar to that in intact pupae of corresponding age(see Fig. 1C), it was markedly induced by methoprene. (B) Methoprene blocks adult development and its lethal effect is averted by TcMet knockdown(Konopova and Jindra, 2007). Early prepupae were injected either with egfp or TcMetdsRNA, and within four hours after pupal ecdysis were treated with methoprene or acetone. Shown are examples of TcBR-C mRNA expression in individual pupae aged 48 and 96 hours. Note that methoprene did not induce TcBR-C in TcMet(RNAi) pupae. Similar results were obtained with all examined pupae (at least eight for each treatment), aged either 48,72 or 96 hours.

Fig. 7.

BR-C knockdown impairs cocoon spinning and pupal differentiation in Chrysopa. (A-C) Normal final (third)instar larva (A) spins a cocoon (C), in which it ecdyses into a pupa (B).(D-F) Injection of CpBR-C dsRNA into larvae kills them as prepupae; some of these larvae are unable to initiate or complete spinning of their cocoons (D). Upon removal of the larval cuticle (E,F), an arrested animal reveals pupal pigmentation, the development of compound eyes (white arrows) and short wings (black arrows), whereas typical larval mouthparts(stylets; A, black arrowhead) and long setae (asterisk) are missing. In contrast to in pupae, antennae are twisted above mouthparts, with their end oriented toward the anterior in CpBR-C(RNAi) animals (compare white arrowheads in panels B,E and F). Scale bars: 1 mm.

Fig. 7.

BR-C knockdown impairs cocoon spinning and pupal differentiation in Chrysopa. (A-C) Normal final (third)instar larva (A) spins a cocoon (C), in which it ecdyses into a pupa (B).(D-F) Injection of CpBR-C dsRNA into larvae kills them as prepupae; some of these larvae are unable to initiate or complete spinning of their cocoons (D). Upon removal of the larval cuticle (E,F), an arrested animal reveals pupal pigmentation, the development of compound eyes (white arrows) and short wings (black arrows), whereas typical larval mouthparts(stylets; A, black arrowhead) and long setae (asterisk) are missing. In contrast to in pupae, antennae are twisted above mouthparts, with their end oriented toward the anterior in CpBR-C(RNAi) animals (compare white arrowheads in panels B,E and F). Scale bars: 1 mm.

Role of BR-C in temporal tissue coordination during metamorphosis

In both Tribolium and Chrysopa, BR-C RNAi compromised the larval-pupal transition without affecting earlier development, regardless of the time of dsRNA injection. The TcBR-CKS342 homozygotes died at the same stage. These data suggested that the moderate levels of BR-C mRNAs, detectable during premetamorphic stages in both species,had no essential role. This scenario would agree with the fact that zygotic BR-C function is not required in Drosophila BR-C null nonpupariating mutants until the onset of metamorphosis(Belyaeva et al., 1980; Kiss et al., 1988), and with recent data on Tribolium (Suzuki et al., 2008). However, as neither RNAi nor the likely hypomorphic TcBR-CKS342 allele present a complete loss-of-function situation, we cannot exclude a possibility that BR-C plays some additional role, not visualized by our phenotypes. Importantly, the lethal phase correlates with a strong upregulation of BR-C expression. At least in beetles, this stage coincides with a peak of ecdysteroid titer that causes larvae to initiate prepupal development(Hirashima et al., 1995; Aribi et al., 1997).

In contrast to Drosophila npr1 mutants, metamorphosis was not completely blocked by BR-C deficiency in Tribolium or Chrysopa. Instead the arrested prepupae showed a blend of larval,pupal, and partially even adult features. Based on the absence of the pupal-specific gin traps in Tribolium and on the surface microsculpture, the cuticle was apparently larval in both species, thus confirming the requirement of BR-C for the pupal commitment of the epidermis (Zhou et al., 1998; Zhou and Riddiford, 2002). Interestingly, although the thorny cuticle in Chrysopa BR-C(RNAi)animals was distinctly larval, similar to in Tribolium, the body pigmentation resembled that of pupae. We cannot be sure whether this mixed character of the epidermis might be due to persisting CpBR-Cfunction, or might be because CpBR-C is not necessary for the pupal pigmentation.

Fig. 8.

CpBR-C RNAi prevents proper differentiation of pupal characters.Chrysopa larvae were injected with CpBR-CdsRNA at the end of the first instar and, after they arrested at the prepupal stage, the larval cuticle was removed. Examples of their heterochronic phenotypes are compared with the normal larval, pupal and adult situation.(A-D) Tarsi (tar) of CpBR-C(RNAi) individuals (D) have distinct borders between segments, as in pupae and adults, whereas their distal tip (pretarsus) retains the larval character and is narrow, with a long arolium (ar). Claws (cl) are large and hooked as in larvae or adults.(E-H) Dorsal abdominal cuticle with short thorns resembles that of the larva. The thorns in CpBR-C(RNAi) (H) are densely packed because the animal had been compressed in its old larval cuticle. (I-L′)Instead of larval stemmata (st), CpBR-C(RNAi) animals develop compound eyes, also present in pupae and adults. Compared with pupa, eye differentiation is more advanced, as indicated by the formation, although incomplete, of ommatidial lenses (arrows, compare J′ with L′). Also note the perforations (arrowheads) on the CpBR-C(RNAi) eye (L). Scale bars: 500 μm (J); 200 μm (B,C,K); 100 μm (A,D,I,L); 50 μm(E-H,J′,L′); 20 μm (K′).

Fig. 8.

CpBR-C RNAi prevents proper differentiation of pupal characters.Chrysopa larvae were injected with CpBR-CdsRNA at the end of the first instar and, after they arrested at the prepupal stage, the larval cuticle was removed. Examples of their heterochronic phenotypes are compared with the normal larval, pupal and adult situation.(A-D) Tarsi (tar) of CpBR-C(RNAi) individuals (D) have distinct borders between segments, as in pupae and adults, whereas their distal tip (pretarsus) retains the larval character and is narrow, with a long arolium (ar). Claws (cl) are large and hooked as in larvae or adults.(E-H) Dorsal abdominal cuticle with short thorns resembles that of the larva. The thorns in CpBR-C(RNAi) (H) are densely packed because the animal had been compressed in its old larval cuticle. (I-L′)Instead of larval stemmata (st), CpBR-C(RNAi) animals develop compound eyes, also present in pupae and adults. Compared with pupa, eye differentiation is more advanced, as indicated by the formation, although incomplete, of ommatidial lenses (arrows, compare J′ with L′). Also note the perforations (arrowheads) on the CpBR-C(RNAi) eye (L). Scale bars: 500 μm (J); 200 μm (B,C,K); 100 μm (A,D,I,L); 50 μm(E-H,J′,L′); 20 μm (K′).

Fig. 9.

Model for functioning of BR-C in Tribolium metamorphosis.In young larvae, naturally occurring JH blocks pupal differentiation by repressing BR-C. JH is absent in early pupae, and its addition blocks adult morphogenesis by causing ectopic BR-C activation and death after a supernumerary pupal cuticle deposition. As both effects of JH on BR-C expression require Met, unknown stage-specific factors must modulate Met function.

Fig. 9.

Model for functioning of BR-C in Tribolium metamorphosis.In young larvae, naturally occurring JH blocks pupal differentiation by repressing BR-C. JH is absent in early pupae, and its addition blocks adult morphogenesis by causing ectopic BR-C activation and death after a supernumerary pupal cuticle deposition. As both effects of JH on BR-C expression require Met, unknown stage-specific factors must modulate Met function.

Pupal characters in BR-C(RNAi) animals included rudimentary wings. In particular, the weak phenotypes in Tribolium (produced with either isoform-specific or diluted common-core dsRNAs) revealed that wing elongation was highly sensitive to BR-C depletion. A similar effect of BR-C RNAi was described for pupal appendages in Bombyx mori(Uhlirova et al., 2003). BR-C silencing prevented the gradual wing enlargement even in larvae of the hemimetabolous milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus(Erezyilmaz et al., 2006). Imaginal discs fail to elongate in Drosophila br mutants with disrupted BR-C Z2 function (Kiss et al.,1988; DiBello et al.,1991; Bayer et al.,1997). The short legs and wings are not due to insufficient proliferation of the disc cells but are due to their inability to change shape in response to the ecdysteroid (von Kalm et al., 1995). This cell shape change requires cytoskeletal components whose mutations enhance the effect of br(Gotwals and Fristrom, 1991; Ward et al., 2003). The rudimentary wings, present even in animals most severely affected by TcBR-CKS342 mutation or by RNAi, suggest that cell shape changes, rather than cell proliferation may be disrupted by the loss of BR-C in Tribolium as well. Growing wings marked by EGFP in arrested beetle prepupae (see Fig. S3 in the supplementary material) support this idea. The legs in Tribolium BR-C(RNAi) animals were short also but were distally specified as pupal with two tarsal claws. By contrast, the arrested Chrysopa prepupae retained pretarsi with the larval-specific elongated arolium, thus suggesting a stronger requirement for BR-Cfunction in the Chrysopa leg.

Except for small deviations, gross morphology of Tribolium genital segments with the pupal genital papillae was pupal in BR-C(RNAi)animals (see Fig. 3A). In addition, the larval-pupal transformation of the visual system was initiated,as larval stemmata were replaced with ommatidia of the compound eyes. However,as in Drosophila (Brennan et al.,2001), TcBR-C was important for compound eye differentiation. These observations suggested that not all aspects of pupal development were completely blocked by BR-C depletion.

While the above described structures were retarded in their development in BR-C(RNAi) animals, others appeared accelerated in their development towards the adult state, although none could be unambiguously defined as adult. For instance, the antennae in Tribolium or the compound eyes in Chrysopa resembled their adult counterparts, but in fact were intermediates between pupal and adult organs. These heterochronic phenotypes suggest that BR-C may not only be a pupal specifier(Zhou and Riddiford, 2002),but rather a temporal coordinator of the extensive morphogenesis in diverse tissues during metamorphosis.

Drosophila organs require a temporally regulated balance between both inductive and repressive BR-C functions, represented by the individual isoforms (Karim et al., 1993; Crossgrove et al., 1996; Mugat et al., 2000). We therefore see two alternative explanations for the heterochronically advanced phenotypes. First, these structures may require BR-C to repress precocious adult morphogenesis in them, but the inductive BR-C function is dispensable for development beyond larval state. Consequently, loss of BR-C accelerates their development. Second, if both functions are required but the repressive one is more sensitive to reduced BR-C dose, then the inductive function will prevail under an incomplete BR-C knockdown. We favor the first alternative,because progression beyond the pupal stage seems to depend on BR-Cdownregulation (Zhou and Riddiford,2002) (this work).

Regulation of BR-C by Met-dependent JH signaling

Periods of JH absence are required first in larvae to initiate the pupal program, and later in pupae to exit it. BR-C in both cases promotes the pupal fate (Zhou and Riddiford,2002), and therefore JH must regulate BR-C differently in larvae and in pupae. In lepidopteran (Zhou et al., 1998; Reza et al.,2004), as well as in Tribolium(Suzuki et al., 2008) larvae,JH prevents BR-C expression until the onset of metamorphosis, and presumably that is how JH prevents pupal differentiation. Conversely, removal of the JH source (allatectomy) causes both BR-C misexpression and precocious pupal development. In pupae, ectopic JH induces BR-C(Zhou et al., 1998; Zhou and Riddiford, 2002; Reza et al., 2004; Wu et al., 2006), and in many insects, including Tribolium(Konopova and Jindra, 2007),such JH application causes reiteration of the pupal stage. In Drosophila,BR-C misexpression alone is sufficient to inhibit adult cuticle formation(Zhou and Riddiford, 2002). BR-C is therefore a prime target of JH signaling, but how JH regulates BR-C expression is unknown.

We showed here that precocious pupation, triggered by interference with the putative JH receptor Met, coincided with precocious TcBR-C mRNA increase in the sixth instar. Thus, disrupted JH signaling induced TcBR-C similarly to allatectomy in lepidopteran larvae(Zhou et al,. 1998; Reza et al., 2004). As expected, TcBR-C not only marked but also was necessary for the untimely pupation, as TcMet; TcBR-C double-RNAi resulted in a phenotype similar to TcBR-C RNAi alone, i.e. entry to a lethal prepupal stage, except one or two instars too early (data not shown). Therefore, although the metamorphic program could be prematurely induced by silencing of TcMet, it could not be completed without TcBR-C. However, loss of Met has been shown to worsen the effect of BR-C mutations in Drosophila, without altering BR-C expression (Wilson et al.,2006). This again might reflect the different response to JH in the fly.

The evidence that TcMet is required for regulation of TcBR-C came from pupae, where the JH mimic methoprene induced TcBR-C mRNA, but not after TcMet knockdown. This result places TcBR-C downstream of TcMet in JH signaling. Importantly, the averting of ectopic TcBR-C expression by TcMet RNAi also rescued the methoprene-treated animals from repeating the pupal stage and allowed them to become adult(Konopova and Jindra, 2007). Together, these findings suggest that, similar to in Drosophila(Zhou and Riddiford, 2002),downregulation of BR-C is required to exit the pupal state in Tribolium.

We propose the following model for BR-C function in holometabolan metamorphosis (Fig. 9). In larvae, JH acts through Met to prevent BR-C induction until the final instar, when JH decline relieves the repression, and BR-C coordinates pupal morphogenesis. Loss of BR-C function causes both retardation and acceleration of development in diverse epidermal tissues, thus producing a mix of larval-,pupal- and adult-like features. In early pupae, low JH titer normally allows BR-C expression to drop, which is necessary for proper adult differentiation. Exogenous JH, again acting via Met, causes BR-Cmisexpression, which in turn promotes another round of pupal, instead of adult, development. Whether Met regulates BR-C expression directly,and what determines whether BR-C will be repressed or activated requires further work.

We are grateful to Y. Tomoyasu and G. Bucher for training us in beetle rearing and RNAi. We acknowledge receiving the KS342 Tribolium line that was generated in the USDA-funded GEKU mutagenesis screen at the Kansas State University from S. Brown, R. Denell and D. Beeman. We thank T. Kimzey and T. Shippy for molecular characterization of the KS342 mutant; Z. Ruzicka for Chrysopa; the Electron Microscopy Lab for help with sample preparation; P. Svacha and M. Friedrich for advice on morphology; and L. M. Riddiford for sharing unpublished information. This work was supported by Projects IAA5007305 and Z50070508 from the Czech Academy of Sciences, and LC07032 from the Czech Ministry of Education. B.K. was supported by Project 204/07/1032 from the Czech Science Foundation.

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). Histological analysis of the dynamics of growth of imaginal discs and histoblast nests during the larval development of Drosophila melanogaster.
Dev. Genes Evol.
Miura, K., Oda, M., Makita, S. and Chinzei, Y.(
). Characterization of the Drosophila Methoprene-tolerant gene product. Juvenile hormone binding and ligand-dependent gene regulation.
Mugat, B., Brodu, V., Kejzlarova-Lepesant, J., Antoniewski, C.,Bayer, C. A., Fristrom, J. W. and Lepesant. J.-A. (
). Dynamic expression of Broad-Complex isoforms mediates temporal control of an ecdysteroid target gene at the onset of Drosophila metamorphosis.
Dev. Biol.
Nijhout, H. F. (
Insect Hormones
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Nishita, Y. and Takiya, S. (
). Structure and expression of the gene encoding a Broad-Complex homolog in the silkworm,Bombyx mori.
Postlethwait, J. H. (
). Juvenile hormone and the adult development of Drosophila.
Biol. Bull
Restifo, L. L. and White, K. (
). Mutations in a steroid hormone-regulated gene disrupt the metamorphosis of internal tissues in Drosophila: salivary glands, muscle, and gut.
Dev. Genes Evol
Restifo, L. L. and Wilson, T. G. (
). A juvenile hormone agonist reveals distinct developmental pathways mediated by ecdysone-inducible Broad Complex transcription factors.
Dev. Genet
Reza, A. M., Kanamori, Y., Shinoda, T., Shimura, S., Mita, K.,Nakahara, Y., Kiuchi, M. and Kamimura, M. (
). Hormonal control of a metamorphosis-specific transcriptional factor Broad-Complex in silkworm.
Comp. Biochem. Physiol.
Riddiford, L. M. (
). Cellular and molecular actions of juvenile hormone. I. General considerations and premetamorphic actions.
Adv. Insect Physiol
Riddiford, L. M. and Ashburner, M. (
). Effects of juvenile hormone mimics on larval development and metamorphosis of Drosophila melanogaster.
Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.
Shemshedini, L. and Wilson, T. G. (
). Resistance to juvenile hormone and an insect growth regulator in Drosophila is associated with an altered cytosolic juvenile hormone binding protein.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
Suzuki, Y., Truman, J. W. and Riddiford, L. M.(
). The role of Broad in the development of Tribolium castaneum: implications for the evolution of the holometabolous insect pupa.
Svacha, P. (
). What are and what are not imaginal discs: reevaluation of some basic concepts (Insects, Holometabola).
Dev. Biol.
Thomas, H. E., Stunnenberg, H. G. and Stewart, A. F.(
). Heterodimerization of the Drosophila ecdysone receptor with Retinoid X Receptor and Ultraspiracle.
Thummel, C. S. (
). Molecular mechanisms of developmental timing in C. elegans and Drosophila.
Dev. Cell
Tomoyasu, Y. and Denell, R. E. (
). Larval RNAi in Tribolium (Coleoptera) for analyzing adult development.
Dev. Genes Evol.
Truman, J. W. and Riddiford, L. M. (
). The morphostatic actions of juvenile hormone.
Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol
Uhlirova, M., Foy, B. D., Beaty, B. J., Olson, K. E., Riddiford,L. M. and Jindra, M. (
). Use of Sindbis virus-mediated RNAi to demonstrate a conserved role of Broad-Complex in insect metamophosis.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
von Kalm, L., Fristrom, D. and Fristrom, J. W.(
). The making of a fly leg: a model for epithelial morphogenesis.
Ward, R. E., Evans, J. and Thummel, C. S.(
). Genetic modifier screens in Drosophila demonstrate a role for Rho1 signaling in ecdysone-triggered imaginal disc morphogenesis.
Wigglesworth, V. B. (
The Physiology of Insect Metamorphosis
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Wilson, T. and Fabian, J. (
). A Drosophila melanogaster mutant resistant to a chemical analog of juvenile hormone.
Dev. Biol
Wilson, T. G., Yerushalmi, Y., Donnell, D. M. and Restifo, L. L. (
). Interaction between hormonal signaling pathways in Drosophila melanogaster as revealed by genetic interaction between Methoprene-tolerant and Broad-Complex.
Wu, Y., Parthasarathy, R., Bai, H. and Palli, S. R.(
). Mechanisms of midgut remodeling: juvenile hormone analog methoprene blocks midgut metamorphosis by modulating ecdysone action.
Mech. Dev
Yao, T. P., Forman, B. M., Jiang, Z., Cherbas, L., Chen, J. D.,McKeown, M., Cherbas, P. and Evans, R. M. (
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Zhou, B., Hiruma, K., Shinoda, T. and Riddiford, L. M.(
). Juvenile hormone prevents ecdysteroid-induced expression of Broad Complex RNAs in the epidermis of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta.
Dev. Biol.
Zhou, X. and Riddiford, L. M. (
). Broad specifies pupal development and mediates the prevention of the pupal-adult transformation by juvenile hormone in Drosophila and Manduca.

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